Chapter 262 - Soul: 5th Division. (1/2)

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Seeing as my prank has already been made I decided to exit the office, it won't do to be taught redhanded will it? but before I could do anything of notice, I heard a knock on the door. It was momo. With my best impression of my evil twin, I wanted to say enter, but before I could say anything she simply entered the room.

She simply entered the room and started talking with the air.

”Hello Aizen-Taichou, I brought some teat for you.”(Momo).

”Thanks for the nice words Taichou, I will be sure to continue the good work.”(Momo).

”You liked the tea? I will be sure to make more of them.”(Momo).

”Oh, are you saying the old training ground has already been repaired? How nice, the construction was quite fast this time.”(Momo).

”If you would excuse me, I need to go back to work. Have a nice afternoon Taichou.”(Momo).

She simply set the tea on Aizen's table while she seemly talking with an illusion of my evil twin. Wow, I bet if I was a normal human this would've looked helluva scary, heck, even as a God this looks very creepy.

Aizen really has the whole soul Society eating in the palm of his hand huh. and the most absurd thing is that no matter how much someone tells the truth, or says everything that Aizen did, no one would believe in him. Aizen's perfect hypnosis is such bullshit that he could afford to toy with people as he sees fit, because no matter what absurdities he does in front of everyone, he can simply show them whatever he wants.

Also if someone is bothering him he could easily have that person executed. Innocent? How come he just murdered 25 children in front of everyone. Yeah, Kyoka Suiguetsu is very scary for normal humans. And the fact that he is literally controlling Central 46 one of the ruling bodies of Soul Society makes things even worse.

But you know the good thing? That has nothing to do with me. I am here literally just for the lolz. Yeah, that may sound bad but I never said I was a good guy, on the contrary, I am quite the monster. Funny thing that I am literally one of the holiest beings in existence now that I think about it.

Try to see this from my perspective. With [Clairvoyance] I can see a lot, and I really mean a lot of shit. Principally now with the [Three Forces] and the [True Magics] in the equation. I can see Kindness, people helping each other, savior, heroes of all kinds, but I can also see the sc.u.m, slaughters, theft, räpes, and everything.

And I also have the power to stop it, to make the world into a never-ending utopia of just the purse of the purest, I have the literal ability to make heaven. So why not do so? Why not create heaven? Why not save everyone? Why not make everyone super?

Well my friend, because when everyone is super. No one is super anymore.

How will we know what is good... when we hadn't seen the bad, how can you know what peace truly is when you never saw war? A ”Perfect” life quickly loses its purpose, its meaning, and its beauty. When everything is ”perfect”, nothing is perfect anymore.

And what about the utterly alien and different world for human morality and mentality? The Omniverse is infinite, meaning infinite possibilities and scenarios, so it means that everything can happen, no matter how weird and bizarre it is.

For example, right now I can see with my clairvoyance a society that people are killed on the spot if they bow. And while that would generally not be a problem to a human, their species have an extreme urge to bow whatever they find someone, that act is considered something so utter vile by them, something so vile and distorted that they are killed on the spot. From a human moral standpoint is it fine to kill someone who ”just” bowed? Of course not, that is stupid, and downright cruel, from the human standpoint. But for their society is something normal and completely acceptable, can you see where I am going here?

Another example is the Lovecraftian chaotic dimensions. Every attosecond in a dimension like that is filled with pure agony, despair, and madness. But for the inhabitants of there? completely normal. This doesn't make that dimension ”evil” from the cosmic perspective, it's just a matter of perspective.

And that is the word I was searching for; Perspective. Perspective changes everything, it could be the difference between extremely fast or extremely slow. For a recruit Shinigami, Unohana is extremely fast, but from my perspective, she is very slow.

It is almost as if the universe is... balanced... Hehe. That is something that I have no doubts about, I believe that evil is just another perspective of good, and chaos is just another perspective of order. Yeah, I lot of it is confusing, like I said before I don't have a human mind anymore, thus human logic doesn't govern my actions anymore. Do you really think a normal human mind can support the eternity that I will live from now on? Yeah, I was already ageless before, but I didn't exactly live that long, 3000 may as well be less than a second to some beings, it is all a matter of perspective.

Another thing said by the wyvern Paarthurnax comes to mind ~”What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”~. This quote can apply to a lot of situations, is it better to be born talented and easily accomplish everything in life, or to be born average and break your limits? Is it better to slowly improve on a subject that you love? or simply be soo good at it that it becomes boring? And remember what I said previously; everything is a matter of perspective. Your supposed genius talent may be the equivalent of trash for some people, while the incredible below-average talent of someone is the equivalent to gold. It is all a matter of perspective.

Heh, it appears that godhood made me more philosophical, or where the 100 years as a normal human? Heh, difficult to know, what I know is that I already made my prank and I should just exit this office right now.

Exiting Aizen's office started to walk towards the lieutenant's office, I have already ”removed” my supposed glasses and will be meet poor Momo shortly. Soon enough I was already knocking on her door office.

”You may Enter”(Momo).

Her voice sounded slightly distracted, almost as if she was too concentrated on something. Probably paperwork. Entering her office she barely looks up to me due to her being way too concentrated on her paperwork.

”Hello, Hinamori-Fukutaichou. I am the new 3rd seat officer. Someone said to talk with you about my assignments.”(Aizen).

”Nice to meet you, 3rd officer, give me a minute here I will attend you.”(Momo)

”Sure, no problem.”(Aizen).

Momo seems to be thinking for a moment as if her mind is trying to come up with something, after some pondering she decided to ask.