Chapter 258 - Soul: Fighting Unohana. (1/2)

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Allessa's test was also pretty easy for her. Heck, she even used a [Kido] in the 40s, it impressed quite a lot of the examiners. After we both finished we simply waved goodbye to Rick, Elsa, and Gwen and went towards our room.

”So... I need to go towards the 4th division right now, apparently, it has something to do with check-ups from the incident during the field test.”(Aizen).

”Sure, I am also quite busy this afternoon. I close to the finishing thoughts of finding a way for you to use [True Magic] with chakra, the problem is that chakra is simply way too different from mana in a lot of aspects.”(Allessa).

”I don't know if this will work, but we can try using the principles of Yin-Yang the next time? It may sound way too simple but I often found that simplicity sometimes works best.”(Aizen).

”Well... It may actually work. This bullshit imagination power of yours is really handy for a lot of things. When you come back we will test it.”(Allessa).

”Sure, this time I have a good feeling it might actually work. Bye Allessa see you later.”(Aizen).

”Bye Love, be sure to not torment those poor souls too much.”(Allessa).

”I promise nothing, hahaha.”(Aizen).

With that, I use a simple [Shunpo] and appear in the street leading towards the 4th division. Everything around me looks especially calm and orderly, everything was as it should be, even Zaraki is making a mess in the background god-knows-where. This peaceful atmosphere, how enjoyable, I must bring Zu Ling and the kids here sometimes, I think they will love it here.

Soon enough I was at the entrance of the 4th division barracks, two guards already on the gate who are seemly bored out of their minds. I approached, and when they saw me they simply nodded and let me pass, Unohana must have contacted them about my arrival already.

I calmly walked towards the main building of the 4th division, it looked like those ancient Japanese mansions yous ee in movies or in old paintings, it definitely has a beauty to it that I don't think I would become tired of any time soon.

Soon enough Unohana was sitting in a seiza position at a low wooden balcony close to the koi-fish pound. She was slowly drinking tea as if she was the calmest person in the world, few people would be able to see past her mask and gaze upon the bloodthirsty psychotic killer that she truly is.

”Unohana-Taicho, Good afternoon.”(Aizen).

”Good after Aizen-San. Here, sit with me, we have much to talk about.”(Unohana).

She pointed towards a place not much far away from her with a little cloth and a steaming teacup, that must be the place for me to sit. Sitting in a seiza position is nothing new to me. Unohana calmly drank her tea, letting the time slowly pass, I also didn't waste the opportunity and did the same with mine.

”Which division you are planning to join?”(Unohana).

”5th division. It seems to be the most adequate for my skill set.”(Aizen).

”Heh, are you certain it isn't just so that you could mess with your evil twin?”(Unohana).

”You got me on that one, I really just want to mess around with him. Heck, I will even do differently from all those fanfiction MCs that avoid Aizen at all costs and ask for him to show me his [Shikai] the first time we met.”(Aizen).

”I didn't understand half of what you said, but my intuition says I shouldn't ask.”(Unohana).

”Your intuition is very wise. So why did you really call me here Unohana? I know you aren't the type of person to chat about those kinds of frivolous things. Kenpachi Unohana isn't a person like that.”(Aizen).

”Heh, Kenpachi... No one called me that for a long time... I lost the right to that name long ago... But I supposed the reason I called you here was to see if you want the name Kenpachi. ”(Unohana).

”Isn't the current Kenpachi; Zaraki? He defeated you no?”(Aizen).

”Yes and no, it's more complicated than that. He-”(Unohana).

”Don't try that crap with me it won't work, you know he is stronger than you and probably the strongest Kenpachi to date if he learns his lessons. But getting killed to 'help' him fulfill his potential is a dumb way to go about things.”(Aizen).

”How did you-”(Unohana).

”Know your plan? Simple, a person who learned to heal as good as you just to prolong fights must be seriously bored with everything around them.”(Aizen).

”Haa, you are too scary sometimes, you know? But you are right, I am completely bored of this era, of everything. I reached a peak, a plateau, and I sincerely just want to rest right now.”(Unohana).

”...hahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA. Let me ask you a question Kenpachi Unohana, do you think perfection exists?”(Aizen).

A little taken aback by my laughing outburst, Unohana shakes her head and seems to be contemplating my previous words. I am actually quite impressed that she maintained her temper, but I guess someone who lived more than 1000 years this must be nothing. Now, I know. I am also quite ashamed of some of my reactions during my divine test, but in my defense, I was in the shitty body of my past life so I guess I at least have an excuse? Heh, anyway, that doesn't matter anymore...

Unohana seems to have reached a conclusion finally answers back.

”No, I don't think perfection exists. Even the Soul King, one of the most powerful beings that I know of, is far from being perfect.”(Unohana).