Chapter 243 - Soul: Elven ascension. (1/2)
{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:
Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}
Allessa was extremely relieved at completely her test. Don't get it wrong, she learned a lot and she would prefer her test a million times over the heavy emotional on her Aizen passed through. His test was really harsh, emotionally speaking. She also passed through quite some emotional and patient trials, but Allessa can see the difference.
But Allessa is extremely thankful for her test, it taught her a lot of precious lessons, she learned how to have a thick skin, she learned how much she missed Aizen, she learned how to farm, she learned how much she missed Aizen, she learned how to lead better, she learned how much she missed Aizen, she learned patience, she learned how much she missed Aizen, and she learned a bunch fo other things about her world.
It was quite fun to experience how normal humans think and see her world. the fact that they think a spell caster didn't dabble in multiple different classes is strange, but Allessa can understand that a lot of concessions had to be made for the game balance.
It still irks her a little seeing a high elf warrior that doesn't know a single spell... A high Elf that doesn't know a spell... That is an absurdity that she definitely hasn't seen. Don't get it wrong, not everyone can throw fireballs around, that is common knowledge, but everyone still knows some basic and simple everyday arcane spells.
*Sigh* this bothered her so much that she is still thinking about it even after her test has ended. But she shouldn't think about those things anymore, right now she will continue her ascension.
And so she did.
Allessa opened her eyes and she was still in the Primordial Root core, her skill [Mana Tap] still working overtime to help her ascend. Her body became more and more flooded with this mana, with this energy, and them...
She heard a cracking sound as if something has been broken. No, that is diminishing how loud the sound, this is the sound of something being completely pulverized out of existence. and that is probably Allessa's final barrier towards godhood.
But then her mind started flooding with more and more information, but instead of being uncomfortable Allessa was excited, she hung onto every new tidbit of information doing her best to make sure this info was engraved in her mind forever. A rather unnecessary endeavor, but her excitement got the better of her for a moment.
This information just enabled her to completely comprehend the other three [True Magics], meaning that Allessa right now owns all the existent true magics; Denial of Nothingness(1st), Kaleidoscope(2nd), Heaven's Feel(3rd), Karmic Virtue(4th), Magic Blue(5th). Just this is enough to make her nigh-omnipotent.
Using her new [True Magics] was like using a limb she always had but just didn't know about, so she wasn't going to risk it right now.
Allessa decided to follow Aizen's advice and use her Asauchi as a Bridge, but she made things slightly different.
Her Asauchi quickly become motes of light and entered her body, it soon approached her spine staying slightly parallel to it. Now her divine weapon, Slowly the big halberd became motes of light and entered her body. With a deep breath, she did the same to her Martial Soul.
Now her three chosen weapons are positioned, using the Asauchi as the center she connected the three weapons, the three weapons were easily able to establish their connection showing her familiarity with them.
Using the mana that was still traveling through her body she started refining and fusing the weapons, the three weapons slowly drew closer and closer, slowly getting more and more refined. This continued for a very long time, and when the weapons were infinitely close to each other they started spinning frantically.
They spun faster and faster, and slowly they started getting hotter and hotter, the mana passing through her body took the opportunity to ignite the three weapons in blue fire making the process continued even faster.
The three weapons started melting more and more, slowly their forms grew distorted and melted. Soon they melted enough to be closer to a paste or liquid, this liquid weapons quickly continued rotating as fast as they could.