Chapter 149 - Library. (2/2)
”Wait what? Seriously?”(Rick).
”Wow, so for the sake of curiosity what's your strongest combination?”(Rick).
”This one”(Aizen)
With that, I show him a Dust Release cube, Yeah I can use the Kekkei Tota right now, it took some time to find the exact combination and made it usable, but thankfully I had seen Onoki use it plenty of times. I can also make a blue flame that is a mix of water wind and fire, it is literally a flame that freezes, I call it Hydrogen Release, it is pretty powerful. But I am not gonna show it to him.
”Wow, what is this? it looks way more powerful than a simple combination”(Rick).
”Yeah, it's a combination of earth, wind, and fire. From where I am from it's called Kekkei Tota”(Aizen).
”Cool, but what is that with such weird names you call those things? It's because of your hometown?”(Rick).
”Yep, different places, different cultures”(Aizen).
”But it's better if we go to the Cafe fast, the girls must be waiting anxiously for us.”(Aizen).
We then walk a bit more, the awkwardness of my offensive slowly being forgotten. Thankfully I didn't need to kill a Raum demon, Raum the original, and his ancestor would probably be very pissed, principally because the guy somehow has the Belial bloodline too, so he should be quite important.
About Gwenadiel, I do know she was as pure as any Angel so her feeling is genuine, just the fact that Rick isn't trying to corrupt her is already a demonstration of a good character and good intentions.
Reaching the cafe Elsa is calling us:
”Over here, we already got a table for us.”(Elsa).
”You two were too slow, what were you doing?”(Elsa).
”Nothing much. But I guess Rick and Gwen have something to tell you Elsa.”(Aizen).
Both of them look at each other and they seem to be talking mentally over something, I don't interrupt them and let things go as they should, liking it or not its better if they come clear now.
”Well, Elsa I would like for you to know that I am a Demon, from the house of Raum to be exact.”(Rick).
”I would like to inform you that I am an Angel too, and we are in a relationship that was forbidden by our parents, sorry for lying to you.”(Gwen).
”No problem, you both are probably hidden from your faction right?”(Elsa0.
”Yeah, we loved each other and we couldn't be together with them breathing down our necks most of the time.”(Gwen).
”Well there is a simple solution to everything.”(Aizen)
”You just need to get stronger”.(Aizen).
”I don't know Rick, it looks fake to me.”(Gwen).
”Hear me out, if both of you became strong enough, you don't need to take shit from other people anymore you know? You could just live in peace.”(Aizen).
”It looks like a fine plan for me.”(Elsa).
”There are two more things I want to talk with you all about, first Joseph Goldheart is not my real name, my name is Aizen Senju.”(Aizen).
”Weird name.”(Elsa/Gwen/Rick).
”Yeah I know, if it wasn't obvious before I am not from here.”(Aizen).
”The second I want to talk about is, do any of you know about your third affinity?”
”Yeah, Elsa has Lighting, Water, and Wind affinity. Gwen has Fire, Wind, and Water affinity. Rick has Fire, Wind, and Lightning Affinity. I don't know if any fo you will be able to use another advanced element, but it doesn't hurt to try right? ”(Aizen).
With this our talks resumed, I showed them more possible combinations and even gave some ideas, sadly I won't be spoon-feeding then. If they can't grow on their own they don't deserve this power. And if they think of betraying me I can easily kill any of them, but by what I can feel with my Haki I doubt this will happen.
The day after quickly came to an end, dinner was way different this time, people weren't divided by their houses anymore and normally ate with their teams, I guess we will only be organized in our houses during the important events.
Before sleeping I read even more about mental abilities, I want the skill to read minds or a way to gain the [Voice of All Things] it will surely upgrade my Haki to new heights.
I will try to wait for a bit before sending my clones to the library, it is better if I get a feel of the school grounds first, and when the rush dies out, and the monotonous of the routine begins I can easily do my things, right now everyone is still very alert, and as much as killing can easily solve a lot of situations, forbearance can do it too.
The next day was almost the same, the trumpet alarm, breakfast, etc.
But today classes are different, I have Earth elemental classes today, I am kinda anxious, to be honest. It would be pretty good to see how people of this verse train and develop their mastery over their elements.
The teacher was an old woman, but she doesn't look frail at all. She has all the correct and well-proportioned muscles, definitely a good mage. Maybe with this one, I will need to be faster if I want to break her legs.
”Hello class, my name is Angeline Rock and I am you Earth element teacher. Well I will pass some spells and formulas for those that don't know then, but the focus of our first class will be to understand a little bit more of the earth all around us and maybe have some fun throwing big rocks around”(Angelina)
Well just for that speech this old gal has already some of my respect, let's see if everything will go alright.
”First I would like to say that earth has different degrees of hardness, it starts simple Sand-like earth where the earth is extremely brittle and looks almost exactly like sand. Second, we have the normal average earth, followed closely by Mud. After Mud we have Rock.”(Angelina)
”Reaching the stage where you can use Rock is considered a very advanced art. For a student.”(Angelina)
”After Rock, there are two more that I know of, the Obsidian and Gem state of your earth. I am one of the few people that have been able to reach the Obsidian to this day. And reaching the Gem is hard, the last know being able to reach that state was the Dwarf God of Earth, some people even say us mortals can't do it. I doubt it, people tend to underestimate human ingenuity, and is one of my dreams to prove everyone wrong and reach the Gem.”(Angelina).
After that Angelina lectured us a little bit more on earth, the important things and things you need to look out for, she even gives some tips on how to cause tremors and earth waves, she is truly a good teacher, she passed the formulas and some spells for all the class too.
But now its time for practice, and she seems to be aa little more energetic now:
”Now class we are going to shoot some Rocks, I will create some pillars as targets, and your objective is to destroy or drop then throwing Rock magic, please only use the trowable magic we discussed today, any quakes of waves would be punished by me, every one of you can start”(Angelina).
With this a huge magic circle appeared on the floor, a bunch of rock pillars are all above the ground now, these pillars are probably our targets, I silently went to my pillar and looked around a bit. Most of the students are already in their places practicing their earth magic, I shouldn't dwindle.
It has been a long time since I graduated from simple jutsu but I think a [Eart Dragon Jutsu] for nostalgic sake would certainly be appreciated. I even did the hand signs, hah I can certainly remember the uncountable times I spent practicing this jutsu in the Narutoverse. Of course, I didn't go all out, I don't want to make an earth dragon the size of a continent, it's counterproductive.
My earth dragon went quickly towards the pillar, and in the first impact the pillar was already down, Angelina looks fairly impressed with me being able to use solid earth already. I, of course, can use Rocks but I don't think it's a good idea so early, but I will definitely investigate how to reach Obsidian and Gem, my main focus is my wood Release after all, and earth is literally half of its power.
I should also do the same for water, and I bet Shark Gril will help me. I could do it alone but with some friends, I bet it would be even better.
The class quickly finished, and most students look very satisfied with this teacher, Angelina gave us a very good first impression and if future classes are anything like this I bet everyone will enjoy and learn a lot.
But when I was exiting the classroom old woman Angelina wanted to talk to me.
”You are Joseph right?”(Angelina).
”Yes, it's me. How can I help you?”(Aizen).
”You are dating Allessa right?”(Angelina).
The 'what you have to do with it' went unsaid but I bet she got the message, she is old at this after all.
”I am the teacher that takes care of the permits, so when she asked if she could bring someone to the teacher dormitory I was a little bit curious.”(Angelina).
”Ah, so it is like that, we marked a date this weekend, and she said it would be in her room because it is fairly spacious and comfortable.”(Aizen).
”Yeah she said something like that, normally a student wouldn't be permitted to enter the teacher's dormitory but I won't get in the way of your young love, I had my escapades when I was younger after all. Just don't break her heart will you, from what I was able to see she really likes you.”(Angelina).
”It's the first time for both of us, so we are going slow. But I appreciate the advice.”(Aizen).
With that I exited the scene and went to have my lunch, next class is about body strengthening and its various methods, I thought it was pretty interesting, so even if I probably have the strongest body in the school it is a subject that interests me quite a lot. Maybe I can even find some new and better ways to strengthen myself, I just don't like that tattoo idea I read about, my only tattoo will always be the Anbu tattoo nothing more and nothing less.
The teacher looks ripped as hell, this guy has as much muscle as me, and this is saying something as I spent almost a decade in Atlas prison exercising.
”Hello Class my name is Dwayne John, and I am the body strengthen teacher. Today I will gloss over what will do on our course and maybe give a good routine of exercises that you all can easily follow.”(Dwayne).
”There is a bunch of ways for you to strengthen your body, but none of them has to do anything with sitting on a cave for long periods of time. If you want your body to be strong you have to work for it.”(Dwayne).
”There are plenty of magics designed for the exact purpose of imprisoning someone, and it's with these magics that we will be dealing today. I will use a weaker version of them on you and you will have to complete a series of exercises with it, relax that I won't start with the heavy stuff.”(Dwayne).
”The first restriction magic will give you the feeling of you being underwater, it is not much but when you start exercising you will definitely feel the difference. Your exercise routine is simple the Saitama training, they are fairly simple exercises and they give a good result. Now start and I will correct anyone who got it wrong.”(Dwayne).
We quickly went to our exercises under the watchful gaze of our teacher, and for some reason, he went to talk with me.
”Hey Joseph, I want to talk with you.”(Dwayne).
”Sure Teach.”(Aizen).
”I want to apologize on behalf of the teacher body for how you were treated by Osborn, We are really sorry for the inconvenience.”(Dwayne).
”Sure no problem, I honestly already forgot about that. But I accept the apologies. But if he is that bad why is he still teaching?”(Aizen).
”It may sound strange and all, but Osborn was a Really good teacher before. We really don't know what happens to him, but since his father Norman and the previous magical theory teacher disappeared he started acting strange, Always preaching and talking like a Chinese young master. We honestly don't know what to do, but he will be suspended and I will cover for him until we find a new teacher.”(Dwayne).
”Sounds good to me, thanks Teach.”(Aizen)
”You're welcome.”(Dwayne).
After these classes quickly finished and Dwayne passed some good exercises regimen for us, I had even some inspirations of my own. Definitely a good choice.
I simply went to have an early dinner and read some books on the mental arts before sleeping till the next day.