Chapter 63 - Treasure. (1/1)
Finishing talking with the elders, we decided that is now the best time to clean up Izube's treasury, having decided what to do we all go towards, the last remaining intact mountain, a.k.a. Izube's treasury and headquarters.
We reached the mountain relatively fast, people on our level of strength all have good movement speeds. Reaching the headquarters, we are faced with a big cave entrance, with a lot of polished rocks, these rocks are seen to have been polished by acid with how much smooth they are.
Exploring the headquarters we found a bunch of different rooms, from trining rooms to, a lot of other things, like kitchen, gardens conference rooms, and finally the throne room.
The throne room was really massive, it seems to be made to accommodate the gigantic size of our, numerous poisonous salamanders. Reaching the throne room both elders immediately started searching for an entrance to the treasury.
Me having played enough games in my past life, know exactly where the treasury entrance is. Of course, it is behind the throne. Reaching behind the trone I start scanning everything with my [Observation Haki], that now is even stronger than before, being able to detect minute details more easily, so thanks to It found the entrance pretty quickly.
Putting my hands on the right places I cover then with [Armament Haki], in case something wants to wound my fingers and to have a firmer grip of the trone. Moving the trone immediately attracted the attention of both elders, who decided to help me.
Movin the trone revealed a big passage that can easily fit, four Izubes in it, we immediately took to walk down there, the place was pitch dark, but all of us have night vision. Yes including me, thanks to the changes that happened to my body acquired cat-like eyes (similar to Witcher eyes but better), so with these eyes, seeing in the dark is no problem.
We continued for some time, the only thing I can say about this passage is that it is very long. We didn't talk much during our walk, everyone was kinda tired from the fights, principally myself. But I was more mentally tired than anything, I can't stop thinking and making theories about the woman I've seen, but this obsession is something I can do nothing about, so might as well get stringer and search about it later, when I have the strength to do something.
Not much time passed and we reached the treasury door. but there is something on this door that gives me an eerie feeling, so I ask both elders to wait for a bit. I try reaching one of its innumerable handles, but immediately I get a [Future Vision], alerting me that I would lose my hand I used this one. I am really thankful as I am new to the [Future vision], I can't control it yet, so most of the time it would act on instinct.
With that, I proceed with more caution examining different possibilities on this door, and when the on hour time passed we were finally able to open the treasury.