Chapter 51 - Ocelot clan. (1/1)

''Nice to meet you Aizen. I presume you are here for the summoning contract correct?'', asked the elder in an inquisitive tone.

''Yes, you would be correct elder. Do I need to do some kind of test or...?'', Said Aizen thinking about the Gamabunta test Naruto passed in the series.

''No no, you don't need to do any kind of test. we of the Ocelot clan function a little bit different in this aspect, compared to another summons. First, we only accept contractors who reached here by reverse summoning, only those that fate has chosen for us. Second, we don't have a 'contractor' per see its more of a mutual agreement, you help us and we help you.'', answered the elder on a professional tone. This is actually a good thing maybe I can use them for intelligence gathering, they are bound to have some stealth experts.

''Understandable, but can you please explain your benefits'', said Aizen trying too gather more info from the clan elder.

''Good. but before is tart given details its better if you listen to the clan history, it certainly will answer a bunch o your questions.'', Said the elder preparing to talk about the history of his clan.

''Every clan starts at first when an individual reaches a certain point of strength. The same happened to our ancestor Ocelot, he became so strong that he was able to create his own dimension. But creating his own dimension wasn't easy it took him years, but he was finally able to succeed. Thus this lead to an era of peace and prosperity, the dimension was abundant and very big, making here some kind of paradise for us. After a long time, our ancestor died of old age with a smile on his face, the prosperity continued for some time until the salamander clan was able to find us, filled with greed for our prosperous land, they started a war with our clan with the sole objective of destroying us and claiming our lands'', finishing the story the elder sees to be reminiscing about the past for a bit.

''Great story so far but....'', It is quite awkward to say it.

''Sorry sorry, sometimes I tend to go on tangents. Well to sign our contract is quite simple, I just want you to help to deal with the salamanders, and help to restore all the damage that dammed poison breath of them did to the forest. With you doing this I will personally train you in the arts and techniques of the clan. I know that you already have a form of attaining sage mode, so that is out, but I assume you still don't have Senjutsu techniques right? besides that, you can use our clan members at will, we have many specialists, from trackers, stealth, combatants, and much more so they can be pretty useful. Ah... and we must deal with your smell to, as good as you are at concealing it any half-decent Sage tracker can smell it, its no problem for normal shinobi but for a sage that specializes on smell is quite easy to notice.''.

''I accept, there are good benefits, and for some time I was cracking my head to know some Senjutsu styles principally when it comes to Taijutsu'', this brightens the mood of the elders instantly, he keeps swooping his tail, it is kinda cute actually.

''Good, juts sign this scroll with blood'', with this the elder summon the scroll and opens it to me, I can see a bunch of different names, there's even a Senju here, sadly he's already long dead. sign the scroll I immediately felt a deeper connection with these animals around me. Some changes occurred to my body, I gained longer fangs, my eyes became cat-like, my nose became many times more sensible, even my hearing improved, it probably affects my balance too at the end cat are known for their excellent balance and flexibility. But my biggest change was my [Observation Haki], I think due to my amplified senses I gained from the contract, it surely has given it an immense boost.

''It never stops to amaze me, how much the contract affects you humans, and this is just the primary changes as the time passes the changes will deepen until they stabilize, its a gradual process that depends on your affinity, if your affinity is low it may not even change you, this is also one of the reasons why we accept only people who reverse summon here.'', said the elder still radiating happiness.