Chapter 538 - Revenge 539: Their Revenge (1/2)
”Your wife is right, Boss. Can I take time off?”
Out of nowhere, Leon suddenly showed up. Arion glared at him and said, ”You're late. You know I hate it when people are late when meeting me.” Though he said that, he is relieved that Leon did not get himself into trouble.
”I know that, but your children took their time, and I'm late because of them.”
Anna and Aaron were a few steps behind Leon, and as they got nearer, they overheard him blame them. Though it is somewhat true, it is still undeniably irritating that they alone are getting the blame.
”And who told you to place the meeting place somewhere far? Don't blame everything on my sister and me.” Aaron said in an annoyed tone. Leon already told them that he will use them to save himself, but he expected Leon to include Keith. After all, he and his sister are not the only ones who took their precious time.
Arion glanced at the three people who showed up after Leon, and his face says that he is confused at why his children and some unknown came into his office. As far as he knows, there is no new problem occurring.
”Why are you two here? And who is that annoying looking guy?” He asked.
Leon almost laughed out loud when he heard this boss asked that question. He can tell that Keith did not like it. He would instead ask Arion about who he is without adding such words.
”First of all, we're here because I needed to meet you and your wife. Secondly, this annoying guy, which is me, I'm Keith Mulgrew.” The moment Keith said his full name, Mary flinched. Mary carefully stared at Keith's face, and she can see the resemblance between this young man and the woman who cared for her back when she was still under the rule of the Ricci family.
”Mulgrew. Are you Katty's son?” Mary teared up. Even if she asked that she already knew the answer. Keith looks a lot like that woman. Seeing Keith in front of her makes her feel nostalgic.
She had such a harsh life back then, but Katty lit the hope inside of her. Katty is also the one who helped her escaped from that hell hole.
On that same day, Mary escaped, Mary asked Katty if she would like to escape along with her, but Katty refused, saying that the Ricci family still needs her. At that time, Mary never understood why Katty said that to her. She and Katty both suffered at the hands of that awful family, yet why did Katty say such words.
As the years go by, Mary slowly understood what Katty means. As she understood her words, Mary felt extreme guilt for letting Katty all alone. Katty wanted to stop the Ricci family by eliminating everything from the inside.
Seeing that the Ricci family is more powerful than it was before, Mary concluded two possibilities: One, Katty is still in the middle of doing it, or second, Katty failed in doing so, and it had a wrong end. The first possibility is what Mary really hoped for. She can not fathom the second possibility. Mary would be filled with guilt for the rest of her life if that happened.
”Yes, I am.” Keith knows the story between his mother and Mary. At first, when his mother died, he blamed Mary for not taking his mother away from the Ricci family on that day, then he realized that his mother would not have had him if that did not happen. Also, he understood why his mother decided to stay, and he cannot blame her for that.
Mary stood up and approached Keith with her eyes tearing up. She never once expected to see someone who looks a lot like her beloved Katty. ”Just by seeing you, you reminded me a lot of your mother. And speaking of her, how is-”
Mary couldn't finish her sentence when Keith bombed her with a painful truth about his mother. It might harsh of him to say it all of a sudden, but it is better, to tell the truth sooner than later. ”My mother is dead.”
Those four words made a significant impact on Mary. She stopped in her tracks and is unable to process such information right away. Anger, pain, and all sorts of negative emotions are rushing into her in one go. Mary does not know which feels she should focus on.
”Dead? She's dead?” Mary wants to think that Keith is joking with her, but looking straight in his eyes, Mary can't see a hint of a lie.
”I know it is hard to believe, but I saw it up close. I saw how those bastards killed my mother.” Keith clenched his teeth as he remembers the moment his mother was killed in front of him. The painful moment of him not being able to at least held her and hear her last words.