Chapter 413 - Revenge 414: Why Are You Purposely Doing This? (1/2)

REBORN: Revenge C_J_Taganna 33310K 2022-07-23

Today is the first day of the weak, and Aaron is not feeling well and does not want to show up in school. He felt like he's going to be ignored by a certain person, and with high hopes, he wouldn't want that to happen.

”What's with that face, brother?” Anna asked. Anna almost laughed when she saw the dejected expression her brother is making right now. Over the weekends, her brother locked himself in his room and whenever she sees him, she almost feels sorry for him.

”Is there even a need for you to ask that question? You already know why.” Over the weekends, Aaron realized a lot of things and with those realizations, he deeply regretted not explaining himself properly to Nathalia.

In his mind, Nathalia must be hating him now. Just imagining the look on Nathalia's face when she sees him is making him feel devastated. From time to time, he asks his sister for help, but all she does is ignoring him or telling him to figure out a way to fix things by himself.

”You're enjoying this aren't you?” Aaron asked.

”That's harsh, brother. I wouldn't dare enjoy myself seeing you like this. It would be so mean of me.” Anna patted her brother's head. She senses that her brother knows that she is lying, but does not care. All she cares about is what is going to happen between her brother and Nathalia today.


”Nathalia, remember what I told you the other day?” Josh asked Nathalia.

The three of them, Nathalia, Zen, and him, just arrived at their school. On their way here, Josh kept repeating the same words to Nathalia, and Nathalia is getting annoyed by it.

”I know. I know. How many times do you still need to remind me, Josh?” She understands the point Josh is saying to her, but saying it to her too many times is just too much for her. She felt like her ears are gonna start to bleed if Josh says it one more time.

”As long as I needed,” Josh said nonchalantly. ”Don't ever get swayed by Aaron. Let him suffer for a little while.” From the messages that she's getting from Anna, Josh is now sure that Aaron is at the point where everything is clear to him.

”I know that it's not me you're reminding that off, but I have to agree with Nathalia, it's kind of annoying now.” Zen who's still sleepy is not in a great mood. Last night he played too many video games and he decided not to come to school today, but his friend, Josh, woke him up and even dragged him to the bathroom.

”Shut it.” Josh coldly said to Zen. ”I'm saying this for Nathalia's sake. If you don't want to hear my voice then, try not to listen.” With just a few words from Aaron, Nathalia gets swayed so easily, and that worries Josh.

Aaron might be sincere, but sometimes, a girl needs to act like she is not easy to have. That is what Josh is trying to point out to Nathalia.

”That's a hard thing to do, Josh. How can I do that when all I can hear in this hallway is your damned voice.” Zen angrily spoke. They came to school way too early, and some of the hallways are empty. ”Why did we even come to school this early, anyway?”

”Yeah. I'm wondering about that too.” Same as Zen, Josh was also the one who woke Nathalia up. Josh suddenly barged into her without knocking and because of that, all her sleepiness floated away. She doesn't even know if she should get angry or not towards Josh.

”My annoying father hid something in the school, and he told me to find them. Since this school is big, I need help from you guys.” From time to time, his father likes to pull similar stunts like this. His father hides an object, and he'll be the one to find that object. It's like a game between them, father and son.

This is the first time that his father chooses a place like this to hide that unknown object.

”What? Isn't this the game that you and your father come up with years ago?” Zen asked in an annoyed tone. He can never understand why Josh and his uncle Mike would have such a ridiculous game. He never asked what was the purpose of it and he has never taken any interest in it, but it never comes into his mind he would be playing such a ridiculous game.


”Why should we help you?” Zen asked.