Chapter 351 - Revenge 352: Your Lover Is Not Here To Accompany You (1/2)

REBORN: Revenge C_J_Taganna 25980K 2022-07-23

”You know what's really disappointing right now, brother?” Anna asked as she wipes the bloodstain on her favorite dagger.

”Are you still not satisfied with the pain Juan is dealing with right now?” Their main goal is to make Juan suffer before they kill him, and looking at Juan, it seems like Juan bled enough blood to satisfy him. But if his sister thinks that it's not enough, then it would be his pleasure to continue torturing Juan for her sake.

”I am satisfied, and it's time almost time for his end. But what I'm talking about it's really about him, brother.”

”Please. Do tell me, so that this brother of yours can understand.” As that twins were talking, Juan is staring at them with full of hatred in his eyes. He kept on begging for his life, but no matter how many times he did it, they turn deaf on his words and only listen to the scream he releases.

”You know that Rebecca and Juan are a couple, right? It's too sad that Rebecca is not here to spend the rest of the night with her beloved Juan. She's missing the fun he's having.” Before she died in her past life, Anna remembers that Juan and Rebecca were there to see her at the end.

Right at this moment, the only thing that Anna is regretting is not letting Rebecca join the party they are having. She wants both of them to see her as the last person they will ever see in their entire life. She wants that to happen because that is what they did to her in her past life.

”You are right, sister! Rebecca is the missing ingredient for this night's party. It's such a shame that she's not here. Don't you think so, Juan?” Knowing that Juan does not have enough strength to even speak a word, Aaron still wants to get on Juan's nerves. The more that he sees Juan's angered face, the more he wants to make him angrier than he is now.

Mentioning Rebecca's name only put a nasty taste on Juan's mouth. Throughout the whole time he was still connected to the Coleman family Rebecca has been useless. She and Anna were once always together, and he thought that since it was like that before, she could at least give him important information about Anna.

However, Rebecca did not provide him anything useful. Ever since he started to associate with Rebecca, everything that he has been working hard for is slowly crumbling. And in the state that he is in right now is the result of Rebecca's uselessness.

”Anna,” A voice from behind them is suddenly heard, and it was Josh who is calling Anna's name. ”We've done what you asked us to do. So, what now?” Earlier, Anna asked them to do her a favor, and that favor is to soak the whole house with gasoline.

Without even asking what Anna is thinking about asking them a favor to do that, Josh already knew that answer to his question. 'I guess, Anna is turning into a bad version of a Coleman that uncle Alfonso is fearing of to happen.' He inwardly stated.

”What now? It's simple, we go out and leave Juan here. He needs his space to reflect in all of his actions.” Since everything that she and her brother used for torturing Juan has been cleaned and packed inside the bag, Anna is all ready to go out of this house with a satisfied smile on her face.

”Seriously. It's really sad that your lover is not here to accompany you, Juan.” Aaron acted as if he pitied Juan that Rebecca is not here to accompany him to enjoy the upcoming scene that will happen in just a few minutes.

The moment they all got out of the house, Anna took out a lighter. She ignited it and threw it inside where the floor is wet with gas. Slowly, they all watch the house burn and hear the scream that Juan is letting out.

”Wow. You're really burning him alive in there, huh.” Zen said in a surprised tone. He knows that the twins are planning to end Juan's life, but he did not know how they are gonna do it.