Chapter 180 - Revenge 179: Similarities Between Father and Son (1/2)

REBORN: Revenge C_J_Taganna 24080K 2022-07-23

Noticing the gaze Aaron is giving him, the blond guy inwardly smirked.

”You seems in a good mood, captain.” One of the team members said to him.

”Yes, I am.” The blond guy laughed and started to walk his way towards Aaron's direction. Since the moment Lucia told him that Aaron Coleman is part of the Crystals basketball team, the blond guy doesn't care whether his school wins or not. He has no intention of winning the game, but he will still play seriously for his sake. After all, he doesn't want to be on Lucia's bad side when she realizes that he is not playing seriously.

The only reason he is playing today is that he has a goal in mind. He wanted to see what kind of leader will he follow in the future. If he is not satisfied with Aaron, he will leave the organization whether his father likes it or not. He will not allow Aaron to order him around when Aaron is not competent enough.

When the blond guy reaches Aaron, he extended his hand and said, ”You must be Aaron, I'm Ophius Cloris.”

Aaron raised an eyebrow and stared at the extended hand of Ophius. After seconds of pondering, Aaron accepted his hand. ”Cloris family.” Aaron scoffed, ”You sure remind me a lot of your father.”

Ophius' father is one of the people that always put Aaron in a foul mood; Ophius' father kept on telling him to act like a leader he is going to be in the future.

Aaron understands that Ophius' father is only preparing him for the future, but the nagging he gets every time he visits the headquarters is not helping him. It is only giving him headaches.

”Ah, based on the tone of your voice, it seems like my old man gave you quite a hard time, hmm?” Ophius is not angry or anything because he understands that same feeling Aaron felt whenever his father nags him; those naggings sometimes makes him want to run away and never go back. ”You don't have to be so wary of me, my father and I are way different from each other.”

”You don't expect me to act like we're best buddies, are you?”

Ophius burst on a laugh, ”Haha. No. I don't expect you to do that. The only thing that I'm expecting from you is to show me how competent you are to lead a big organization like the one your ancestors built from scratch.”

”Heh. You said you are not like your father, but look at you, you do expect the same thing your father wants me to do.” No wonder at first glance at this blond guy, Aaron felt a sense of familiarity. Ophius might not nag him as old Cloris would do, but the similarities between them are that they expect Aaron to be the leader that the organization needed. The one who will lead without wavering any decisions.

Of course, Aaron is not pressured by their expectation because if he let it pressure him, he knows that he will fail. He knows his self more than anybody else.

”Of course, there are always some similarities between my father and I like you and your father there are some similarities between the two of you too.”