176 Fishman island: to start with a bang and end with a whisper. (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 23030K 2022-07-23

A roar echoed through the air as the drunken fishman slugged the shadow of the man that had threatened the child.

The loud and outspoken mob bellowed racing forward as if a fire was lit under them, glaring bloody murder at the man as they reached for pieces of weaponry. Some held broken bottles, others held broken mops.

Terrick stared them down, still impassive as he held the shivering life of the angry child in his hands. His curved knives digging slightly into the child's collar.

A sigh slowly sounded out, followed then by a pure and overpowering wave of presence. Lorean had released his Conqueror's Haki.

As if summoned, Terrick's own Haki rose up paling in comparison and much more uncontrolled. Nonetheless, within seconds the world grew silent, with the different fishman all falling down on their faces.

The last to fall was the child in Terrick's hands, a furnace of rage in his glassy eyes as he stared at the ship with a vitriol that could drown the vessel.

Terrick held on still, his knife digging slightly deeper into the child as he gazed sharply at his captain. All it would take was a single order, and the child would be dead.

Lorean only waved his hands mutely. There was no reason to go ahead with the action his respect for Whitebeard would not allow him to sanction Terrick's actions.

With a curt nod Terrick dropped the child like a sack of bricks, leaping onto the ship nimbly. Angella stared at him, equal measures reproach and disgust in her eyes. Lorean only sighed a little going back to the stern of the deck to keep his vigil.

Within the suddenly silent and morose night, Terrick could hear his steps thudding softly against the wooden stairs as he walked below deck.

An aggressive hand clutched at his shoulders yanking him around. It was Angella.

”You were really planning on killing that child?” she growled out, her eyes spitting fire at him. If it was a regular fishman, she would have been a little uncomfortable. The fact that it was a child however, exacerbated her feelings in the situation a lot more.

Terrick merely nodded, standing silently in the hallway.

”Why?” she demanded softly.

”He attacked the captain.” was all his answer was.

”The attack would have done nothing! The child could not have possibly hurt Lore!” she snapped.

”So? The fact remains that a no-name child attempted to attack our captain. After we drank from his cup, he pretty much became our big brother! It does not matter that it was a child.” he snarled in return, his expressionless face turning slightly haunted as scenes of conflict entered his mind.

A sparkle of light. Unimaginable pain. A fallen figure, and blood covering his sight.

With a look of contemplation, she turned around. In her mind the problem had been expanded. Did she have the resolution to cut down anyone that stood to harm her family?

Only time would tell.