167 Down in the dumps (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 20610K 2022-07-23

Not a trace of wetness appeared on board and the dismal and overbearing silence had me wishing to myself that no piece of debris within the water came our way.

The sails remained completely still with the air within the bubble quickly becoming somewhat stale. It wasn't like the air within had begun to lack in oxygen, the mysterious nature of the resin ensured against it. Nonetheless I could find myself already missing the fresh saltiness of the breeze above.

The crew that had been weighing in the effort to keep the ship on course towards the direction that the pose pointed us at now sat silent, marveling at the novel nature of the experience. They had attempted for a bit, but none of their efforts seemed to sway the ship from the course that it was heading in.

With a sigh and a final grimace at the thin layer that divided us from the wall of crashing water I walked back over to the crew. Briefly looking them over for any blatant show of injury apart from the fatigue that they displayed upon their faces.

With a small smile of deference, I looked them over. ”Nothing else we can do here. Go get some sleep, Angella, Sorren on top is yours, holler if you need the rest of us. The rest of you lot, get to sleeping, we need to rest those bones when we get a chance.”

With a nod of assent the crew began to shuffle, the ones that had been cleared to rest making their way below deck, while Angella took point and Sorren occupied the crow's nest that he had begun to like staying in. Me on the other hand, I decided my time would be well spent within the captain's cabin gaining access to the latest above ground and organizing Mimir when I needed to.

Garp smiled a little as he looked at the document in his hand. It was a sanction for the leave that he had been applying for, for the past year almost. It had only taken what, a couple of months of constant harassment to get Sengoku to ok the entire application. Easy right?

With a swift sway he began to pack his stuff, clearing the office room that he had been assigned of everything even remotely personal.

He was happy, he could finally meet his grandson. The last time he had seen the lad, he had been a tiny baby, barely bigger than the palm of his right hand. Then again, the last time that he had seen him, there had not been as much divide between the father and the son as there was now.

Now of course things were not as salty as they had been. Dragon now understood why Garp did what he did, and Garp in turn understood that though he shared his son's dream, he would never have the guts to do what he had done. At least not now.

Now with the week of leave that he had gotten, Garp could almost imagine what he would do with the brat.