156 First meeting (1/2)
A small snort escaped Marco as he walked through the forest, in front of us walked a small gaggle of men. At their very head was a fairly average red haired man with three small scars on his left eye and a goofy smile on his face.
He wore a dull black overcoat covering within a drab floral patterned shirt. A red ribbon-ed straw hat on his head.
”Marco!” he called out with a voice dripping with glee, guffawing a little when the pineapple headed man took on a troubled expression.
”What d'ya want Shanks?” Marco asked, his face the very picture of diplomacy as he nodded to the man's crew in politeness.
”Eh, just came around to get away from the overall storm that the old hag and the drunk beast decided to stir up... From here, we'll probably leave the New World for a bit, the crew's started to feel a little homesick,” he answered as he flung his hand over Marco's shoulders.
”Why here specifically Shanks? Is this going to be another spiel where you attempt to convince me to look out for people in my crew?” Marco asked with a slightly frustrated expression as he led the procession forward.
As the men walked forward, one of them from Shank's right approached me pushing out his hand in a sign of greeting. His hand was calloused as a derpy smile adorned his face. Sandy hair fell all around his head contrasting with the swirly blue shirt that he wore.
”You're the new guy eh?” he asked as he smiled at me.
”So it seems. Lorean.” I answered shaking his hand as I introduced myself.
”I'm Yasopp!” he called out enthusiastically before flinging his hands over my shoulder as Shanks did to Marco.
I wouldn't say the man's outgoing nature made me uncomfortable as much as the abruptness of it all. Luckily, for me, one of Shank's men quickly gripped onto Yasopp's shoulder manually dragging him back to their side.
”I'm Ben Beckmen and the big man's Shanks. Welcome to the New World” he called out behind his back as he shot me a predatory grin.
”Don't try to intimidate the guy, Ben. He took on old Garp and managed to survive!” Marco quipped quickly coming to my side as he courteously led the band of pirates into town.
Shanks shot me an impressed look as he whistled. ”That old relic? How'dya survive? He packs a mean wallop from what I've seen” Shanks said, grinning in satisfaction as Marco led the group into the Town's tavern.
”The old goat was scary, no denying it, but he isn't particularly gunned towards surprise attacks, and he does the worst against speed types,” I answered as I began to mingle into the group.
”Fair...” the older captain decided as he took a deep swig out of his bottle before flopping on one of the seats at the desk.