154 Captains conundrum (1/2)
A rumble shot through the room as I gobbled the soup placed before me, to the side my trusty first mate sat on a hard wood chair glancing at me over his hands. This was the third day that I had been awake after the fight, with the first two days being proper evidence to the fact that experimenting during battle was almost never advised.
Jolts of pain had raced up and down my body forcing Marco, who had taken it upon himself to nurse all of us back to health, to bluster up and down to no end about how headstrong and stupid I had behaved.
For the first twenty-four hours of consciousness I had had, I could barely move my hands let alone my upper body. The whole day had been spent with my body readjusting to what could be considered 'normal' for me.
On the second day, things had begun to improve, and by improve of course I mean that the pain that I had been forced to endure was not enough to keep me awake. Therefore, as the sun had risen I had slinked slowly back to uneventful and dreamless sleep.
Through the entire endeavour I had opted to feel the pain that the process entailed, letting my mind analyse the various components that had caused it. With agency returning to my body, I now also had a tangible plan to re-achieve the state that I had been in when I had fought the old Vice Admiral.
As soon as I had awoken, Fawkes had been kind enough to tell me about the state that Terrick and Sorren were in, giving me a thorough diagnostic amidst Marco chastisement.
”I see that you are able to actually use that mouth of yours today captain...” Fawkes called out, snarking slightly at the fact that they had to shove a tube down my throat to keep my body effectively sustained for the last four days. (As I had been forced to be all too aware of over the previous two days)
”Shut it...” I called back not even looking up from the food in front of me.
”How's the brat?”
”Eh, he slipped into sleep a few hours ago, no longer in that meditative state of semi consciousness. Marco tells me that the tough times are out, though he might be a little scared of flashes of light, and night chases for a bit. ”He replied slowly getting to his feet.
”Terrick on the other hand, is going to take some time... He is not used to the kind of strain that his body was forced through. The overall structure of his body was essentially too weak for the sudden jump into the New World. Little Scipio at least got a bit of time to get used to the conditions, and he isn't even one of the crews heavy lifters!
Though his voice sounded flat, I could still do nothing but flinch. As the overall decision maker of the crew, I had failed to take into consideration our overall capabilities.
Couple that with the fact, that we did not have a coated ship to begin with, made it an impossibility to rectify. Every time Terrick or any of the others save for Fawkes would fight, they would need a heavy downtime!
With a sigh I looked over at him. ”Has he woken up?”