134 Battle royale established. (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 25390K 2022-07-23

Borsolino groaned as he stood atop the deck, the cheerless brood of clouds above head did little to lighten his somber mood.

And how could his mood not be somber, with the rabid booms of canons in the background and the continuous roar of dying people. It isn't to be misunderstood, it wasn't that Borsolino cared about those people, or just people in general, it was more that he found that noise annoying.

If it was up to him, he would have participated alongside the rather stealthy older Vice Admiral. But that was not his orders, so of course he remained on the ship, lazily looking across from the deck of the ship while ignoring the small collection of shivering marines behind him.

His compatriots however were not as 'enthusiastic', the magma man stood to the side, glaring bloody murder at the clashing forces, not a hint of fear in his eyes. He stood straight, as he had often done his cap slung neatly across from his head, a small collection of white hair had begun to grow over his ears as a deep growl arose from his chest.

”Damn pirates..” he grumbled darkly as he ground his teeth together. As if it took all the discipline in the world to keep him from going out and enacting his justice on the world.

It was his third compatriot that Borsolino was most surprised by however, (well as surprised as Borsolino could get) a man that had often stood shoulder to shoulder with Sakazuki and volunteering for every single hunting mission that had been sent the man that they called the fiery Kuzan now sat at the very end, overlooking the roiling sea as he picked his nose. Uncaring of both his image and the overall conflict that he was a party to.

The man sat calmly, his hands on his chin, as he whistled tunelessly. A bored gleam in his wide eyes as he regarded the marines around him.

”Eh~~~ Kuzaan what are you brooding about?~” Borsolino began, his needlessly sing song voice grating roughly against the ears off all those on board.

Kuzan ignored him however, opting instead to slowly and lethargically scratch his head.

'Interestiiing~' Kuzan thought still smiling as he looked back at the overwhelming battle, even though they were at the periphery, he could not help his heart from palpitating as he occasionally heard the loud bang of clashing fists, no doubts the evidence to the two emperors still duking it out.

His eyes slowly dilated as he threw his hands forward, a laser like ray shooting out of them as he spotted a small ship that was fleeing from the battle, a subsidiary crew of Big Mom's no doubt, or the pathetic few that remained of them. Oh well, no one would miss them.

”Don't slack off men!” Sakazuki roared as he noticed the sparkle man's movement, with a quick step he had walked over to his side of the ship, with a deep breath he glared at the canon crew.

His eyes blazed as a plume of smoke slowly rose off his nose, his face had turned to magma, yet his hat remained unburned, not even slightly bothered by the intense heat that the man gave off.

Slowly a grim smile began to stretch upon his face, for as the war intensified, the weaker crews had no choice but to retreat. And what they ended up retreating to was the naval ambush that he had set up.

'Serves you right damn criminals!' he thought excitedly in his heart as a childish sense of jubilation rose in his heart. He genuinely believed that he was serving the course of justice.