121 peace under the flag. (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 26140K 2022-07-23

The canopy balked over at us as filaments of light percolated through the thicket. The tress glowered down as dry leaves crunched under us.

Though the forest had seemed thick at first glance when we entered it though, I could see a faint path that stretched throughout the otherwise clean forest. The wood glistened freshly in the warm and humid climate.

Surfaced roots surrounded the wooden thicket, tripping the unwary traveler, which had happened at the expense of my newer crewmates more times than I would have wished.

At the edge of my vision, I could see the fog steep. At this point in the journey, even the smallest hint of fog did get me jittery.

Fawkes stared at the ground keenly, the path had not eluded him. With a whistle at the now extremely nervous duo he angled his head at the forest floor.

”Look down and tell me what you see.” he said simply as he shot me a glance. He seemed to have taken his mentor role very seriously.

I looked at him seriously, a part of me wanting to chastise him for wasting time, another more logical part called me out on my stupidity, he was getting the crew ready for anything they would come across, my patience paled in comparison to the security that a secure back would offer.

Rein swallowed slightly as he crouched down, trying his best not to disturb the spot that had been motioned to. Barts settled down more comfortably, true she had close to no experience with the actual field work, but she had been trained, and she was a more calm individual than most of the crew by nature.

Rein went first, his hands moving faintly along the edge of a fallen leaf. He seemed very anxious, I blamed myself for that. I had gotten him worried, and taking into consideration his last excursion with the crew (By excursion of course I meant kidnap) his worry could be easily understood.

From what I knew of the guy, he came from a very safe and doting family, from what I had gathered he had been pretty much smitten by the stories of a retired pirate that now worked for his family( It seemed that he never got a bounty because of how low he was on the crew's pecking order).

He had run out to sea the first chance he had gotten. Him sticking around with us was quite admirable, after all he seemed to be the only one on the crew with even a hint of an actual dream.

Sure I wanted revenge, but I couldn't really say that I dreamed about it. Sorren and Angella pretty much fell in the same boat, while Fawkes just wanted to make his old man proud. Terrick was new to the whole dream concept seating him right alongside Scipio as an individual that couldn't even recognize a dream if it bit him on his backside.

Rein was a man that dared to dream, and dared to stick with it. True he had been forced to do a lot of the hard things that he had done on the ship, but he had still wanted to do them at the end of the day.

Barts looked over at his findings silently before shaking her head in denial. ”If it had rained as recently as that wet mud would imply, then the wood around would have to be at least equally wet. And the ground was covered by these leaves, yet there is no moisture on there either. ”

With conviction in her tone she looked over at Fawkes, there are no animals in the vicinity, the leaves around are relatively undisturbed-” here she was cut off by Fawkes' raised hand.

”All good inferences I'm sure, but you two are missing the point! Look at the thickness of the leaf fall, the dryness of some of the mud, and the distinct coloration of absent vegetation. This is obviously a trail. And looking at how cleanly it's been maintained I'd wager that it was made by human hand.” he said simply as he pointed out his findings.