103 This is war! 7 Temple run! (2/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 40420K 2022-07-23

With a nod of understanding he went quite. Shooting a look over Fawkes' shoulders he exhaled softly.

Then with a swift pat on Fawkes' shoulders he led him forward. He might not be strong, but he was the one that had the map memorized.

As they navigated the maze before them, they felt a slight tremor in the walls. A primeval string of dread settled in the pit of Rein's stomach as he looked back, confirming with his ally that he too had felt it.

With a quick nod the two hurried forward, a pace more brisk than it had been. Rein still shot looks past the corners and skulked near the walls, but he hurried up. Putting his all to getting out of the horror house that they had landed in.

As they moved farther away Fawkes' face began to clear. The paleness of it all receded as he got his bearings.

Unfortunately however, the calm that he had begun to gather abandoned him, shifting away hastily as he looked at the stream of blood before him. A corpse could be seen on the floor spread eagled, an old face, with wrinkles that covered most of the eyes.

The face was a parchment white, and what little could be seen of the grey clouded eyes stared out with an equal amount of disbelief.

The wrinkled robes matted darkly at the figure's chest, a dark red cavity. It looked like it had been done with a kitchen knife, but nonetheless the corpse still managed to spook the duo.

And as they heard a clatter of footsteps begin to echo from the periphery of their hearing the duo could not help but stiffen..


”Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!” Terrick growled out as he ran for his life. The deranged hag that followed him still cackling away as she trudged after him.

The scent that had caused for his allies to fall unconscious was now so repugnant that it caused even the high priestess that had followed him so far, to slow.

Her steps had begin to falter a while back and an unnatural amount of sweat pooled over her forehead as she attempted to resist the onset of the fumes.

Terrick had so far been quite unharmed save for a small gash on his arm that had refused to stop itching, from a time that he had attempted to attack the hippie only to end up being stabbed as a calming aroma had suddenly warped his sense of danger, only his quick instincts had spared him from any further damage.

So here he was, the assassin in the crew of one of the strongest guys of the generation running away from an inexperienced prick with an ego problem.

”Devil fruits are bullshit!”

”My word, how does she have this much stamina!” The high priestess bit out as the conscious duo finally burst past the spot from where the High priestess' quarters began.

”O teacher, where are you going~?” Merla bit out her token bad person line, before grinning as if to pose for a camera.

”Stupid edgy fuck bum!” Terrick yelled out as he threw a needle behind his back, at this point both his verbal arsenal and his fanny pack had begun to run on empty, the only things in there were a few pairs of bandages a few threads of metallic threads that he did not have time to set up.

”Oi semi naked lady, any plans?” He called out to the high priestess as he pulled her along running through the inclined flooring that would led them to the floor below.

Here on the island the people seemed allergic to both stairs and clean air!

”What makes your ruffian brain feel that I have a clue!” She snapped back in a frigid and clipped tone. ”Till a few hours ago that young girl was my student, now she's turned into a proto mental asylum patient!” She finished as she turned the corner with me.

As they did, who were to come into their eyes, if not two other bums that were supposed to be a long way off into the pipes by now!

”Oi you lot! What are you doing here? Run!” He snapped out jolting the shell shocked duo into a maddened sprint.

”Out of curiosity, what are we running from?” Fawkes inquired with strained civility.

”Stop running from me teacher!~” The terrifying young women called out as she too run passed the corner.

”that now run!” Terrick snapped as a renewed stench filled the room.

The high priestess was quick enough to stab them in the shoulder with the dagger, thus keeping them temporarily conscious, and thus they ran. A mad dash. A temple run..... Dun dun dun