85 Enter the dragon! (1/2)
As Terrick's head broke through the surface of water he could not help but gasp. The water around him frothed continuously. Waves formed on its surface normally resembling the water in a regular ocean. Though the thing that bothered him the most was the pink tinge that touched every bit of water that was inside the hollow mountain.
In fact the water was so colored that one could not be admonished if one were to assume that it was watermelon juice instead of actual water.
The water swayed gently toward the rocky outcrop that surrounded the huge patch of water. The mountainous wall had a number of holes drilled through them, each which acted as the entrance to the inside.
At first Terrick had been stunned at the ease of entry, only after he had seen his mount flee in terror had he realized that the entrance they had used was unexpected for the simple reason that no sentient sea faring creature would come into a miles distance from the ominous mountain.
The settlement that he could see in front of him looked to be built on a mobile base, Terrick could wager was probably some complicated weave of sea weed, or an otherwise bullshit grand line phenomenon.
On the huge tough floor he could see a vast array of buildings built, each with some thin material that resembled paper. The settlement looked to favor the Wano country's architectural style, with a few huge scaly gates forming demarcations among the different people.
As Terrick observed he could see a women riding a huge Yuda beach onto the island. The creature immediately swam away going to what Terrick assumed to be the roost of its clout.
At the place that she landed he could see a huge mahogany gate that stood imposingly. It was built off an entwined union of four wooden pillars that met on a stylized bridge at its very top. At its very center was a scaly closure that barred entry into the island. It seemed to be made off of fallen scales and looked more like a curtain then a reasonable gate, still somehow managing to force Terrick to regard it with a certain level of caution.
He could see the women slowly walk towards the gate before knocking at the wooden gate in a unique pattern.
With a soundless flurry the gate opened, the scaly curtain moving upward as a faint gas began to pump towards the women. The scaled folded up at the very top standing parallel to the top bridge.
The women bowed solemnly to the gate, unafraid of the conspicuously colored gas that had been thrown on her.
Terrick gulped audibly as he calmed down. With a calming breath his presence began to thin, what used to be as bright as the sun had dimmed down to the intensity of a fire fly.
With a purposeful movement he began to swim towards the floating island. Each stroke of his hand harmonized with a wave so as to avoid any trace of his movement.
He had been somewhat curious at the overall lack of security at the gate, but as he neared he could see it.
All around the island apart from the small patch of land near the gate had been pitched with high walls. The whole place had been fortified!
As he neared the gate he could not help the increase in his heart rate. He had taken an unusual risk, but he could not do anything else.
Before he had touched upon the beach he had tried to scale the wall. Unfortunately the wall was lathered with slime, he could not scale it. Then he had tried to use his needle trying to form a makeshift trekking axe.