67 Premonition (1/2)
As the sun set over the horizon a golden gleam overshot and shot through the foliage of cloth that I had inhabited near the base of the main mast.
A tiny book sat in my hands, visibly fighting against the gentle winds as I attempted to read through the last record that I had written down. For some reason I was unable to pay attention to what I was doing, a worm of worry digging through my heart.
The information on my next destination had troubled me more than I let on. I was sure I was missing something, and as a casual fan in my previous life it really rubbed it in harder how much I didn't know.
In fact the extent of my knowledge had always been restricted to the names of some of the important characters, some important places and some of the more noteworthy weapons. I knew much less about the people than I let on, I knew their faces but not of their backgrounds or their specialties, at most only what level of the story they came out in and a tentative estimation of their power level according to the knowledge I had attained in this life.
I had always fallen in love with the world more than I ever did with any of the characters, and by the time I faced that deity, I had already forgotten most of the more major information.
So far Ohara had tickled my nostalgic tastes, but I could never put a finger on it. At most the name sounded awfully familiar was all I could think of.
With a dull caw a gull landed next to my feet, its wings spreading sporadically as it got used to the firmness of a solid perch. At its feet was tied a pouch and in its beak was a simple paper, yellowing with age and torn shabbily with age.
I stared at it for a few minutes and as I began to feel successively stupid for expecting anything surprising the bird finally glared at me, a smolder of anger and impatience in its grey eyes as if it was telling me to do something quick so it could get off the god forsaken piece of wood that it had landed on.
With a small jump the bird rested its head against my grey pants virtually spitting the paper onto it before flapping its wings in anger and motioning to its pouch.
With a surprised and somewhat sheepish glance at the avian correspondence I put my hand into my pockets bringing out a handful of coins and placing it into the faded green pouch.
With a caw of finality the bird immediately jumped into the air, a reproachful gleam still in its eyes as it seemed to chastise me for wasting its time.
A dull crinkle later, I could not help but smooth out the yellow parchment that I had just received. It began quite simply: