62 Granted (1/2)

Undying Will Raiohosore 40300K 2022-07-23

With a groan and a sigh I got off the cotton mattress that had been my bed for the past week or so, snails littered the room and a deep scent of blotted ink infused the dingy quarters.

On the corner wall of the wooden cabin sat a detailed map, threads running through the different places all labeled by needle like structure. Each thread had a different color and twisted weirdly with the others.

On the other side of the room sat a meager bed that had been the place where I had been sleeping for the past week. Around it sat a collection of plates and mugs haphazardly littered across the floor. They had been my meals and drinks, that had been delivered to me for the period of time that I had decided to refrain from human contact for.

Today, I decided would be one where I actually got out of the room, my head was fit to burst with all the information I had, and even my devil fruit could not help me right the deep sated lethargy that had steeped my body.

Today I would accompany Terrick on his mission. I had decided, and tomorrow I would help train him and Sorren, after that I would spend all my time tailing the newest addition to the crew, in the form of the still silent Angella.

Having decided this, I yawned deeply and draped the fallen article of clothing, that had been my shirt, over my shoulders. With a dull groan I began to stretch my hands and crinkle my neck before reaching for the doorknob to push the door outward.

With a deep wince and a hasty flurry I raised my hands to cover my eyes to protect it against the relentless rays of the sun.

Next to the Captain's quarters ran a set of stairs that would lead to both the kitchen and the crew's barracks. A hint of heavenly aroma rose from the stairs, Fawkes had probably begun cooking.

With eager steps I jogged towards the kitchen, spotting a bedraggled Terrick on the way down. Not even waiting for a groan of greeting I dragged the man into the kitchen where a starving Sorren already stood at attention.

A lopsided apron hung on his chest, one of the sleeves escaping from the top of his shoulder to the crook of his elbow. A small line of drool lined the tip of his mouth as he set the plates on the table.

After the first day on the island, he had taken the task of helping Fawkes in the kitchen. He didn't want the man to strain himself too much owing to the aftereffects of the serum that had still not disappeared.

On one of the chairs near the table sat the white capped Angella, perusing the contents of a thick book that she seemed to have purchased from the town library. She had gotten a complete makeover in the time that I had served in self imposed solitude.

She had gotten a white top hat with a tiny blue strip running through the middle. A white suit with a pale blue shirt and a purple tie. Overall she reminded me of a female version of Alucard from hellsing without the shades.

”It's a book on Grand line climate captain. It says here that the line is famous for its downright weird and homicidally moody climate, is that true?” she asked, eyes that I had once thought were ditzy no longer looked so dull instead looking at me with a level of intellect I had only begun to expect from Fawkes.

”Aye it is. The line can be considered nature's biggest fuck you to all the dwellers of the world. Its mainly caused by the conflicting of the magnetic waves from different islands. it's really fun to navigate in!” I said chuckling at the pale face of the two newest additions to my crew.

”Anyway Fawkes what're you doing?” I asked shifting the topic for a later date as I saw the cook bringing in a steaming pot of what looked like pasta.

”Why don't you dig in and find out?” he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes as he dusted off his hands.


”God damnit captain!” Terrick cursed angrily as he ran over the roofs of the town buildings. Behind him ran a host of black suited men who all held some form of firearm. In his hands were a set of jewels that he had stolen from one of the two most notorious gangs of the island.

Beside him ran a cackling Lorean, seemingly out on a morning jog. ”How was I supposed to know that these guys didn't lend their jewels when asked nicely?” he asked taking unholy delight in the wrathful cry of exasperation that his compatriot belted outward.

”Anyway no time to point fingers runnnnn!!” he shouted as he continued on a mad tirade of laughter. Sounds of gunshots rang in the background as the black-suited men ran desperately after them.

”Remind me again why did I agree to you accompanying me on this trip?” Terrick called out. ”Umm, Captain's orders..?” Lorean replied with a frown of deep contemplation. ”How are you still a captain?” Terrick asked with a sigh of resignation.

”Because I hold the cumulative majority of brain cells on this crew..?” he replied, before pumping down a chasm between two houses. ”Not agaaaaaiiiiiiin!” Terrick groaned as he was dragged down as well.

With a soft thud the duo landed on the gap between the two houses before promptly slicking their hair back and, in Terrick's case turning his shirt inside out to make it look like a different color.

Then with an unhurried pace they swiftly blended into the mass of people going about their day.