V8.C4 (1/2)

”The first stop of the guerrilla examination: understand the guerrillas themselves!”

”What is a guerrilla?” shirazad asked

Estelle immediately raised her hand and exclaimed, ”a guerrilla is a soldier who, for the sake of people's happiness, accepts people's various tasks, and solves problems for all!”

Shirazad drooped: ”is that right or wrong?”

Basically speaking, guerrillas are some kind of fighters. However, the work of guerrillas is not necessarily just combat. In fact, it also includes many other small things: helping to find lost items, matching marriages, and so on. As long as the guerrilla association can carry out the following tasks, it is the scope of guerrillas' work. Estelle's answer, though not perfect, was not wrong.

Shirazad awkwardly said, ”well, it's just you. Well, the next question is a little more difficult! ”

”What is the first principle of guerrillas?”

Estelle, raise your hand!

”Er Er What is it? ”

After raising her hand, Estelle's brain suddenly jerked, and her brain, which had just been very clear, suddenly turned into a paste.

”No, it must be.” Shirazad just wanted to give the two people a wrong answer, suddenly heard around yuzhiboban reply: ”civilians first.”

”Correct answer! Among the numerous tasks, the guerrilla association must maintain the principle of civilian priority. The most important thing is to work for the civilian people. ”

Sheila ZAD took a look at Esther, and it was obvious that she was not very good at reviewing. Although sometimes I can answer some, but this memory ah

However, the yuzhibo spot around her is so perfect. His answer is accurate, and the whole person has a very good quality of silence. This is the essential quality of a guerrilla. In shirazad's opinion, this quality is almost stronger than her C-class regular guerrilla, who is known as ”silver flash”!

”That's very good. Joshua's answer is quite good.” Shirazad said with a smile.

”So, the last question: what is a force guide?”

Force guide, in this grand world, is a kind of thing that everyone already has. But for its working method and workflow, not all people understand.

They just need to know how to use it, but not everyone needs to know its principle. However, the guerrillas, as the personnel who often use the force guide, need to deal with not only the use of the guide, but also the maintenance and synthesis of the guide. For the guide, we can not help but know.

”Force guide Force guide... ”

Estelle was in a daze. Although she often uses a guide at home, she wants her to describe it in her own language, which is a test of her literary level.

”A force guide is a machine that uses the guiding force to supply energy and release various abilities for people to use. There are two kinds of force guiding devices: general force guiding device and tactical force guiding device. The general force guiding device, such as the guiding force furnace, can be used for cooking, boiling water, guiding airship, can be lifted into the sky, as a means of transportation, and so on. However, tactical guidance device is specially used for fighters, which can release all kinds of magic. It can release seven kinds of magic, including wind, fire, water, earth, time, air and illusion. Among them, wind, fire, soil and water are low-level attributes, while spatiotemporal illusions are high-level attributes. ”

”As for the power supply for the guide, it is the energy contained in the underground mineral Qiyao stone. The fragment of qiyaoshi is called Yao wafer, which can be made into the crystal circuit used in the force guide workshop. Using the crystallizing circuit, the force guide can be operated. ”

”In the tactical guide, the crystallization loop can be embedded in the six crystallization holes of the Tactical Guide. As long as the crystal hole is opened, the tactical guide can be inlaid with crystal circuits of various attributes, and the Tactical Guide with crystal circuit can be used to release all kinds of attribute magic. ”