Chapter 376: Event Conclusion (1/2)

Although Eleena had helped to defend the tortoise colossus, the Saintess-in-training was still only human, and she would never win against the ancient Mecha Giant in a direct confrontation.

After all, the Mecha Giant was a titanic assassination weapon, designed solely to destroy a Rule weapon like the Elven Synchronized Intellect Nation (SIN) in the first place!

Aside from the fact that the tortoise had more or less lost some durability, Eleena herself had reached her own limit (having drunk too much cola and wanting a toilet break). “The countdown is almost over! We’re at the home stretch-let’s keep going!”

Edward, who had just a fraction of his HP left harassed the Mecha Giant on his Blackfire Dragon, attempting to draw its attention but to little effect.

It made sense if they thought about it. The Mecha Giant was not even bothered by Marni’s Taunt-if it rather attack the tortoise while leaving Marni alive and kicking, it would definitely not be distracted by Edward’s crude Taunt.

Naturally, it was likely that having killed Marni once already left his metaphysical ability to draw hate ineffective…

Nonetheless, the other players who had survived until now mustered their spirit, intent on launching a final assault against their enemy and do what they could to slow the tortoise colossus.

And yet, that excessive emphasis on defense and baiting left them neglecting a more serious problem.

Just as everyone kept their eyes on the head of the Mecha Giant to guard against its mana beam, it suddenly extended both its hands and stabbed them heavily into the walls of the pit!

“Oh, no! It’s trying to climb out! Demolitions!” Edward yelled. Having overseen the entire battle from overhead, he promptly knew that things had gone awry.

“We don’t have a demolitions squad for a long time!” Leah, the Warrior Princess who had been buffing the other Players reminded him loudly. “They were too close to the pit, and were all dead half an hour ago!”

“Tch! Why does it have to be now!”

Nonetheless, Edward hesitated for a split second before making up his mind.

Steering the Blackfire Dragon toward the Mecha Giant, he attacked one of the hands that the behemoth had stabbed inside the stone wall without regard for self-preservation.

The Blackfire Dragon promptly burst apart as a scorching red lotus, shattering the stone wall and knocking the Mecha Giant’s hand off the ground and the behemoth itself off balance, leaving it about to stumble and fall.

That was the second phase attack of the Skyfire Herald’s Red Eyes Dark Dragoon Blast

-a blow more devastating than the Blackfire Dragon that would increase in power if the Player was riding it.

Naturally, the player could choose not to ride it while having the Blackfire Dragon blow itself up. However, that would leave the Skyfire Herald’s blue bar (known as a Blaze Bar after class change) in a meltdown state, and they would not be able to use any mana-consuming skills for a short time, reducing them to a cripple who could only use normal attacks.

“Revive!” Jessica casted her last revive spell which she had charged for some time on Edward, bringing him back to life.

“Did it work?”

Even before Edward could offer his thanks for being resurrected, he had already turned toward the Mecha Giant.

He hence watched as the Mecha Giant suddenly extended a third hand from its back when it was just about to drop into the pit once more, firmly gripping the edge of the pit and holding itself steady before climbing out with a burst of strength!”

“Damn it! That damn thing had another trick up its sleeve!” Edward couldn’t help cursing.

“No. It wouldn’t have been restrained for so long if it only had one hand. That’s a new limb it grew to free itself in that short time!” Princess Leah said while watching the Mecha Giant warily.