Chapter 303: Grand Final (2/2)

In other words, the monk couldn’t reach the Pink Flatfish no matter how he tried, leaving him feeling frustrated as he punched out again and again only to hit thin air, let alone reach his target.

It was even more irritating that the pink flatfish head kept flopping around flaccidly whenever Alfonso traded blows with his opponent. The taunt on that cartoonish fish face was simply overflowing with such mockery that increased Alfonso’s blood pressure, his serene monk mink utterly ruffled.

‘Don’t get anxious… don’t get angry… you mustn’t let your opponent disturb the rhythm of the battle…’

Alfonso warned himself again and again, assured that once his opponent would end the fight with a lightning-quick blow once he exposed an opening in Alfonso’s own rhythm.

Even so, Alfonso would only fail whenever he tried to feign an opening to trick his opponent.

As such, he could only fight patiently and must not get anxious at all.

‘I’m. Very. Calm.’ Alfonso told himself. ‘The skies are ever clear, the air ever refreshing. There is no need for anger.’

The Pink Flatfish’s face: Heh.



Alfonso: Die right now flatfish—!***

“And here I was expecting the monk would be shouting stuff like ‘stand and fight like a man’ or ‘let’s have an honorable match’.” Joe said, bemused by the sight of the monk’s hateful face.

Amongst Edward’s party, Joe and Gou Dan had been eliminated from the Third Round when they failed to get through to the last sixteen, whereas Jessica didn’t make it into the Third Round at all because she wasn’t allowed to use Sefarim in the tourney and was eliminated in the Second Round since her points were too low.

Meanwhile, Eleena, the Church of Games’ own saintess was taking a break as ordered from the very start. Xi Wei himself had issued the decree to keep the girl from revealing herself, since it was best for every other church to be unaware of her existence before she could reach a certain threshold in power, and was disqualified alongside Jessica in the second round due to lacking points. “Did you think everyone else is a big oaf like you?” Gou Dan rolled his eyes at Joe even as he thought of a new post. “Would you ask for magical beasts to retract their claws, extract their teeth, seal their skills to fight fairly with you in the wild?”

“Of course not,” Joe replied, jiggling his massive pecs as if he were using it to think. “Claws, teeth and skills are a magical beast.” “And that’s the same thing with Mufasa: judgement and evasion is a part of him, so why should he give up on his advantage in a fight?” Gou Dan said as if it only made sense. “By the way, what do you think about the title: ‘Shocking! The Brilliant White Church monk is outmatched by the Pink Flatfish!’?”

“No impact Better change it to ‘Shock! You’ll never believe what the Brilliant White Church monk did against the Pink Flatfish!’.”

“…Well, it’s you.” Gou Dan murmured with deeper meaning even as he stared at Joe.

But even as everyone focused on the match, there was a distant rumble reverberating from inside the city, with a dark mushroom cloud rising from within…