Chapter 300: Cultists in the Aqueducts (2/2)

In an instant, the trio were reduced to one Level 5 cultist.

“No way… are you a believer of an orthodox god? But those moves didn’t resemble anything of the top three churches…”

Then, seemingly realized something, the cultist started growling with a warped face.

“O, god of mine…” All at once, dark red smoke flowed out from his body.

Even if Leah wasn’t familiar with spells because of her Warrior Princess class, she could still feel the evil contained within the dark red smoke

And as the dark red smoke churned, the Level 5 cultist’s body suddenly doubled its size, his thick muscles bursting through his cloak, leaving only his loincloth covering his strapping body. His face had changed as well no longer human, his enlarged but distorted features were sharing space with thick tumors, with irregular bone spikes growing out of the edges of his face.

“Power overflowing! I’m now three times stronger-such is my god’s power! Young vixen who believes in a heretical deity, bow down before the power of my god!”

Leah merely looked up over the cultists head, where the hovering red name now reads: mutated cultist, Level 15.

The girl sighed again, and became a little more solemn this time-she wasn’t feeling threatened by the cultist’s ability, but merely because the cultist had insulted her God of Games.

Blasphemers were punished by divine retribution.

However, if said blasphemer were an insignificant maggot, it certainly wouldn’t warrant divine retribution since it holds no worth.

With that being the case, Leah, a believer of the God of Games has a duty to punish the cultist who had mouthed such blasphemy against her


“That convoluted spirit and that ugly delusion… you must have sold the depths of your soul to that evil god too! Your face has fallen to such state, let alone your mortal spirit —someone like you has no right to call yourself a human! Thus, vanish from this world as a monster!”

Golden thunderous bolts began to dance over Leah’s fists. It was not a skill, however, but merely her drawing the strength within her own body and directing it towards her fists.

“Golden divine grace rampage! Tierra royal chain punch!”

Although Leah had trained in swordcraft before changing class to the Warrior Princess, it was only to normal for her to suddenly found herself weaponless in the days where she spent running. That was why she had learnt many unarmed martial arts along with the techniques of other weapons, most of which included how to throw punches.

In fact, she had even learnt how to disarm and claim an opponent’s weapon, although she never had the chance to use it.

And now, as she rained down a storm of fists down at the mutated cultist, his body crumbled like a cookie with no resistance at all!

Each punch from Leah which was imbued with divine grace could pummel the cultist into dust. With the insurmountable gap in abilities, he couldn’t even parry!

“Aaaaaaah—! My god will not let this go!”

Unable to stop a fist or punch out once, all the mutated cultist could do was leave a curse before being punched into bits.

“Phew. That felt good.”

With her enemy slain and finally being able to vent her boredom after being kept locked in the guesthouse recently, Leah wiped nonexistent sweat off her brow, looking revitalized.

It was only then that she realized something.

“Ah, I forgot to keep him alive in all the excitement… I wonder if the small fry I sent flying are alive though…”