Chapter 296: Coming from Behind (2/2)

Be that as it may, Xi Wei wasn’t actually singling it out since every creature on the fishmen island including the Night Tide Dragon were all trash to a god like Xi Wei.

He was only trying to reduce the toll of divine power for reviving believers of other churches and the risk of having other gods noticing. As such, after ensuring that the Ocean Goddess wasn’t watching, he shrouded the entire fishmen island within his divine power, cutting it out of the prime material plane to some extent.

It was a method similar to the one the Ocean Goddess had used when she threw the fishmen island at him, although Xi Wei spared more strength since he had the Authority to transmigrate, just like slipping through the barriers without needing to pay for VPN…

And now, the fishmen island was basically a simulated divine kingdom thanks to Xi Wei’s molding

As such, it was impossible to escape from that domain-whether you were a Night Tide Dragon or a Fishman.

It was fine for the fishmen since they were amphibious and could live on land as long as they could keep their skin moist, but it was very troublesome for the Night Tide Dragon which limbs had mostly devolved. Not only was it unable to escape, it would be persistently harassed by the frogmen which the Players summon even if it hid beneath the waves.

And when it would try to chase those inferior lifeforms which dared to bite its scales up to the shore, it would find the Players waiting in formation for it come…


Even if it wouldn’t be butchered like a fish out of the water when it was on land, all the Night Tide Dragon could do was flip around, as agile as a snail.

Sorry for bothering you. Goodbye!

Nonetheless, the Night Tide Dragon didn’t get beneath water for too long when the damned frogmen came at it again. Worse still, they were more experienced this time and no longer poked at its scales.Instead, they were aiming for its cloaca.

Aside from several unique species, all draconic races were bad tempered in the first place, let alone the Night Tide Dragon which was born under the waves and unintelligent.

It blew its top immediately-you frogs want to die!

Ignoring the Players that were waiting for it on the beach, the Night Tide Dragon locked on to a frogman which markings looked like a vulgar form of a chrysanthemum, rushing onto the beach and crunching down on it.

Since the creature only just scraps of HP left in the first place, the Players cut off its escape and firmly unleashed their skies, bombarding it for half an hour before it died miserably…

One should remember that even without counting the fishmen that were caught in the crossfire of the battle, the Night Tide Dragon alone was worth a hundred thousand points.

While the total points from killing the hordes of fishmen was more than the points gained from killing the Night Tide Dragon, the Brilliant White Church had to split the points with contestants from other churches. The wyvern knights whom they had blasted sky-high had also killed quite a number of the fishmen and occupied a major chunk of points as well, which meant the monks’ personal points gained was nothing to brag about.

Hence, the Players who inflicted the most damage came from behind to beat the monks of the Brilliant White Church, claiming their place in the final round.