Chapter 294: Your Blood is All Over the Ground (2/2)
But despite claiming that he couldn’t stop Marni from dying, Ivan’s still focused his senses and then some when the fighting began to protect his employer.
Marni was clearly aware of that-in spite of their frequent banter, the first person he would think of when he needs an escort would always be Ivan, and he would compromise and request others only if Ivan wasn’t available. “Aside from fishmen, what danger could there be on fishmen island anyway?”
Marni, however, looked most nonchalant of the trio. “Relax. Not even I would be killed so simply by just a few fishmen!”
That much was true—even if Marni seemed to give the impression he had a passive Taunt skill that kills him in the most random ways possible, he was actually strong first-rate Player who could just punch heavily at low-level monsters and win (he wouldn’t be that high-level otherwise), although he would be instakilled by every Boss he encountered.
And just as expected, it was a bunch of normal-looking fishmen that appeared on the coast and were trying to surround them.
“No caster, no priest, no leader or liege!” Ivan promptly made his choice. “Averaging at Level 15… We can take them!”
But Gerald was quicker than him-he had already rushed forward.
While the young knight couldn’t see the text over the fishmen’s heads, an ordinary fighter like him could determine his opponent’s strength through their presence. Such a method always tended to work, although it would be less effective against the crazy bunch called the Players.
Having trained in swordcraft at a young age, Gerald had a firm foundation, while his swings were at once swift and viciously elegant. He would only be defeated soundly only when it came to duels against Kengyoku Players, who preferred their blocking and parrying that wrongfoots his rhythm.
Against the fishmen, however, it was one swing one kill. And as Ivan and Marni joined the fray-with the latter donning his Ironman armor, the fishmen that had come to hunt them down were sent scampering instead.
“Not bad. We could collect enough points if this keeps up.”
Marni nodded in satisfaction as he opened his helmet and turned on his quest page and studied the point counter. “Now we just have to find the Night Tide Dragon and kick it in the balls.”That was when he sensed that things had become rather quiet around him.
Turning of his system page and looking up, he found Ivan and Gerald’s staring at the sea behind him, their eyes widened.
A foreboding sensation arose in his mind just then.
He slowly turned and found himself looking into a pair of golden eyes the size of lanterns.
In the next split second, the Night Tide Dragon stretched its gaping maw and promptly bit down on Marni, snapping him in two and left his lower body on the beach while it turned and slipped beneath the waves.
It was only then that Ivan yelled as if jolted from a dream. “Oh my god, Marni’s dead…