Chapter 227: The First Eight (1/2)
“…The First Eight…” Xi Wei muttered quietly in his divine kingdom.
Being a newcomer, the God of Games naturally didn’t have such knowledge. Still, having the keyword and searching through the memories from the Aquatic Lord’s divinity gathered him some information.
After the Trinity had created the world, they had also made many species that lived in the Prime Material Plane that flourished over generations and brought about numerous wondrous cultures.
Those races grew from strength to strength under the protection of the gods. Just like the Ediacaran biota before the Cambrian Explosion, they were at once progressive and unique.
That was the prehistoric age of this world.
And as mentioned before, three divine wars were waged in this world.
There were no records of the first one in the memories of the Aquatic Lord’s divinity, probably because he had yet to be born.
However, it could be ascertained that it wasn’t waged in the Prime Material Plane, and that it didn’t affect the mortal realm by much.
The reality was Xi Wei had no idea what the gods could have been fighting aside from each other in the first war… but the Second Divine War was completely different because it had everything to do with the Prime Material Plane, which in turn led to widespread extinction.
The gods had been grievously injured in the first war and did not mind the progress of mortal creatures for a long time. Ironically, it was exactly in that godless era that the mortal races had developed beyond the gods’ interference.
While the specific timing wasn’t certain, one thing could be sure: the races had developed to stunning heights, forming a dazzling civilization that wouldn’t lose out to Earth.
And that was the First Age recorded by the races.
In turn, the flourishing races and the booming population led to the rise of many deities who fed on belief in the divine realm.
Their presence gradually ate away and even plundered the authorities of the first gods, and when the conflict piled past the reservation, the first gods waged a war against the gods who fed on belief, igniting the Second Divine War.
It appeared that the first God of Games, who in turn was a first god and the predecessor of Xi Wei’s predecessor was slain in that war and had his divinity stolen.
Furthermore, unlike the First War, the fires of the Second War had not only caught the Prime Material Plane but also many other planes, all of them sacrifices in a divine conflict for power and influence.