Chapter 158: Kinleys New Life II (2/2)

“But do you like me, Miss Vela?” Kinley asked then, seemingly having not noticed Vela’s rather dangerous look.

Vela was about to say something when three other persons rushed into the atelier.

Or four, to be precise.

One was a middle-aged man whose Player name read ‘Mufasa’, while two others were children following behind him without Player IDs and therefore weren’t Players. At the same time, Mufasa was carrying a young girl over his back and likewise wasn’t a Player.

Her eyes were also tightly shut, her breaths choppy and her face a flushed redness of pain.

“Boss Lady!” Mufasa was left stunned to have run into Vela there for a moment, before greeting her briskly and turning to Kinley. “Are you Lady Kinley, the new alchemist?”

Vela’s mouth twitched.

Why was she a boss lady and Kinley an actual lady? ‘Do you think I don’t punch hard?’

Meanwhile, Kinley seemed to have realized what had happened but still politely asked. “Yes. What’s the problem?”

“Nala… this girl has been sick for some time,” Mufasa quickly replied, “but she never said a word about it. It had become serious this morning when we finally noticed it, and the Clerics’ exorcism or purification won’t work since she’s not a player. But I’ve also heard that you could make healing potions… you have to help her; I’ll do anything you ask!”

The two boys behind him nodded as well. “We’ll help too!”

Even as Kinley mulled over the word ‘Player’, the smile on her face did not change at all while telling them with her exceedingly mild voice, “It will be alright. Leave it to me.”

As a matter of fact, she had no intention to follow the lofty attitude of most alchemists and ignore the peasants suffering. For one, she intended to strengthen her ties with the Church of Games in the first place, so why would she stay idle and ignore such a chance? Secondly, she had also believed that the reason good alchemists were so few on the continent was due to the alchemists’ own excessively high-and-mighty attitude and hoarding of alchemy knowledge, which goes so far that it prevented them from working together.

“Will it really be alright? The potion ingredients here don’t seem to be enough,” Vela asked worriedly.

“I’ve checked: the ingredients to brew a potion for this child’s condition is enough.”

Kinley smiled, just before she started summoning various unusual ingredients onto the scales which she then put into the cauldron to cook. Meanwhile, she connected several containers with glass tubes, pouring out the cooked ingredients, filtering it and then processing it for a second time.

In a brief dozen minutes, she had completed every procedure and a bottle of jade-green potion was made.

Kinley was very satisfied with it too. It would have taken her another dozen minutes if it had been her mentor’s set of tools, and the resulting brew would not be that good as well.

“Have her drink this twice over three hours. She would be fine by evening.”

Mufasa and the two children left in utmost gratitude with the potion.

Vela gave Kinley a look of mixed expressions.

After a moment, she honestly said, “About your question just now… I don’t like you, but I sincerely welcome you to our town, Lady Kinley.”