Chapter 98: Speaking of Weak Points... (1/2)

There wasn’t much to say about the battle between the players and the mountain bandits, it could basically be summed up to ranged-attacking players launching an unstoppable barrage towards them.

Even if the mages that had just enough time to put up a magic shield and survived the flurry of spells the players had cast, they would still die from a Backstab by the players who had reclassed into Shadow Rogues.

Of course, the players didn’t come out of it completely unscathed, an unlucky Shadow Rogue couldn’t help his curiosity while he used his Backstab ability and aimed right at the mage’s chocobo’s ass. The kick he received left him more than just a little scarred.

After all, if we were comparing leg strength alone, these monsters that donned the appearance of cute birds were multiple times stronger than a horse on Earth.

The dumbest thing was that after the guy was sent flying, he was clutching at his stomach not in pain, but in laughter. “F*ck, so b*ttholes aren’t weak points?”

The other players laughed at the situation as well.

“Hahaha, you only found that out now?”

“I already knew that.”

“But I think attacking the balls counts as a weak point attack, it shows red damage.”

“What the heck are you guys doing up there…”

“Why do you all sound so experienced?”

Seeing the players react in such an unprecedented manner, the mages that survived and wanted to take out the heavily damaged player backed off, fearing that the group of maniacs might still have some tricks up their sleeves, hurriedly hobbling away on their half-dead chocobos hoping to flee.

But of course, they were wiped out when the other players with movement abilities rushed towards them all at once.

After the fight was over, Jom and Terry both let out breaths they had been holding since their battles had first begun, slumping down into the snow-covered ground.

While players were in still in combat they had the help of the Rule of Skill, it didn’t matter how badly you were hurt or if you lost a couple limbs, as long as you still had a drop of health left in your health bar you could continue fighting as if you were completely fine, but situations like these were incredibly mentally taxing, so after leaving combat, it was naturally that they felt like they were completely wrung dry of energy.

“Whew, it’s a good thing Mr. Edward and the rest of the players made it here in time, if not we’d really have to wait the whole three days to revive.” Jom downed an entire health potion in one go, the carbon dioxide and sugar entering his system left him shuddering, he was starting to feel a little better.

“But is this really okay?” Terry’s voice sounded muddled, as if he was almost fast asleep and was starting to babble nonsense.

“What?” Jom’s mind was still foggy from fatigue.

“In your post earlier, you said that after the quest was complete, everything in the village would be up from grabs, right?”

“… Oh.”

After being reminded by Terry, Jom remembered, he did say something along those lines.

But back then the villagers had already left, who cared if the village was plundered clean, worst-case scenario they could just blame it on the mountain bandits. No the villagers had not only come back, they even helped out slightly, raiding their homes right after saving them didn’t feel quite right…

“Yo, you guys good?” Edward didn’t go with the others to clean up the battlefield (read: pick up drop items), and instead went over to Jom and Terry.

He glanced at the coke bottle on the ground and then back at the two boys. “Looks like I don’t need to worry.”

“Thank you, Mr. Edward, for coming over to help us.” Although the church of the God of Games didn’t currently have any sort of honor system, out of respect towards the earliest players and church believers, Jom thanked Edward sincerely.