Chapter 89: Jom and Terry (2/2)
The food shortage of winter had an obvious effect on the apex predator among non-monster creatures like the Dragonfang. Its movements and attacks were noticeably more sporadic than the Dragonfang that attacked their village.
The two young players looked at the Level 10 hovering above their enemies head, as well as its half-emptied health bar. After confirming that the Dragonfang wasn’t a boss or elite enemy, they dropped all worries and decided to get rid of it on the spot.
The moment the Dragonfang went for its second tackle and Jom and Terry unsheathed their weapons, a feathered arrow lodged itself in the Dragonfang’s left eye, affecting its path of attack. A man wearing a thick fur coat leapt out from behind the two boys, knocking them both to the ground as they were channeling their abilities. He canceled their abilities, but also helped them avoid the Dragonfang’s attack.
Following the man were many more people dressed warmly for the cold winter, all using simple weapons like bows and pitchforks to overpower the already half-blind Dragonfang. The Dragonfang looked like a pin cushion with how many arrows were sticking out of its body, and its rage knocked down two trees before breathing its last breath, fighting and struggling all the way.
The men in fur coats cheered in joy and the sight.
Until now did Jom and Terry only regain their bearings, they didn’t know whether to celebrate or to cry… Were they raided by a group of regular hunters? No, looking at their weapons, these men might not even be hunters.
The men seemed like they had been staking out the sight for quite some time, their exposed eyes and faces were already a frostbitten shade of purple, Jom didn’t have the heart to voice his frustration.
“Which village are you from, children?” The middle-aged man who tackled them pulled them up from the snowy ground.
“We’re from near the Valley of the Tragic Dead…” Jom signaled to Terry to stay quiet, giving the man a vague answer.
The man wasn’t suspicious of them, but he made his thoughts on the matter quite apparent, “Do your grown-ups not care for you? Running all the way here, don’t you know how dangerous the forest is during winter?!”
‘I wouldn’t have come here if it wasn’t,’ Jom thought to himself.
If the man had continued to lecture them Jom might have fought back. Luckily the man let the topic go, going back to his gentle self.
“Whatever, after all we’ve finally hunted down a beast, you two should come to our village from some stew. After you’ve warmed up a bit I’ll send you back home,” the middle-aged man asked for their opinion.
Terry looked at Jom, the latter nodded their head.
The men seemed to be doing this out of kindness, they didn’t need to decline.
To be completely honest, it didn’t matter even if the men had some nefarious plan, Jom was confident that a player of his level had nothing to fear! They had trekked for a whole day and had their only kill stolen from them, if the men betrayed them later, he would let them know what was a true gamer’s rage!
The other villagers had tied up the Dragonfang on a wooden frame from god knows where, some ten to twenty people working together to lift the beast back home.
Jom couldn’t help but question their intelligence slightly, couldn’t they use that frame as a makeshift sleigh and save their energy…?
But the villagers all seemed to be in high spirits, they must have been proud of their successful hunt, so Jom didn’t dampen their mood.
Not long later, the group reached a nearby settlement. The village was hidden in a cave and had thirty to forty houses and families, their headcount might have even exceeded the Unnamed Town.