Chapter 83: Follower (1/2)
The players had a merry night at the frogmen village.
Although the frogmen had initially been surprised by the inexplicable appearance of a bonfire, barbecue implements, and assorted seafood in the village square, they eventually attributed it to a divine blessing, which was apparently all the explanation they needed to let loose and party hard with the human players all night long.
But nothing good lasts forever. The next day, the players gradually took their leave of the village, and returned to the Unnamed Town.
After all the events and quests had been done, there was nothing in the village worth hanging around for. There were sea monsters to challenge, sure… but none of the players were expert divers, plus they lacked the numbers for it, and anyway it would be an enormous hassle, for little to no returns.
In comparison, the Unnamed Town housed the ‘Living Dead Cellar’ dungeon, as well as the Valley of the Tragic Dead, which had thus far been explored up to 22%.
Those players who’d levelled up and gained some new loot from the latest quest were understandably eager to test things out—even if bumping into the Rotten Bones Archbishop or one of the Black-Robed Bishops in the Living Dead Cellar would most likely end with their gruesome deaths all the same.
“Are you leaving already?” Croakatoa asked a group of players, led by Edward.
“Nothing else for it!” Edward laughed. “We only came to help out, and now that the matter has been resolved, we ought to take our leave.”
“And the lady saint…” Croakatoa turned towards Eleena.
He wasn’t referring to her as a saint because he was aware of her position as a saintess-in-training, but because all the frogmen had come to regard her as a genuine saint for the Aquatic Lord.
It was a pity that Xi Wei was about to destroy the Aquatic Lord’s divine avatar, just as Eleena had inspired a higher level of faith from the frogmen.
“Of course Eleena would wish to leave with us.” Immediately, Edward interposed himself in front of her. It had been funny while it lasted, but Eleena was a saint for the God of Games, and she couldn’t keep going around masquerading as an icon for other religions. If she carried on pulling stunts like that, then as the one who’d backed her up in the first place, he might end up falling out of their god’s good graces.
Croakatoa was silent for a moment. Then he looked up at Edward. “Um… could I maybe join you on your adventures?”
Edward’s first instinct was to refuse, until he caught sight of the hopeful light in Eleena’s eyes. As he waffled about in indecision, he was suddenly presented with a System Data window.
So the system was back online already? Following this assumption, Edward read on:
[Game Version 0.2 upgrade complete]
[Player Max Level raised to 60]
[New Mage Specialization added: Tide-Caller
Description: The Tide-Caller is a Mage who foregoes all other elements in order to master elemental water. Raging blizzards, mighty tsunamis, and invincible water elementals are all theirs to command. Summon the power of the waves, and rise above all others!]
[Click here to watch a demonstration video.]
[Pre-requisites: Any Mage at Level 15 or higher may attempt the class-change quest.]
The Tide-Caller was, true to its name, able to create (or actually, summon) water out of nowhere, and then wield it to do battle as a Mage. Watching the trailer video, there seemed to be three main builds to choose from:
[Arctic] Attacking with ice and frost, or freezing enemies solid.
[Current] Increasing the flow of water to create tidal waves or high-pressure water blades, employing water purely in its liquid form.