Chapter 5: Saintess In-Training (2/2)

“O Master of Games, grant us new life,” Eleena muttered faithfully, as if she was sending up a prayer to the heavens.

The very next moment, Xi Wei could sense pure and abundant amounts of divine energy rising from Eleena.

‘This is it!’ Xi Wei thought excitedly.

He immediately followed up with the steps he envisioned countless times in his mind, projecting the system which he had consumed divine energy to create into the young girl through the Path of Faith that had been opened between them due to her belief in him.

‘It all comes down to this!’

Regardless of what was happening over at Xi Wei’s side, Eleena who had been closing her eyes saw a strange page appear in front of her in the darkness.

[Player: Eleena]

[Class: Saintess In-Training]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[HP: 50/50]

[MP: 30/30]

[Stats: 1 STR, 1 AGI, 2 INT ]1

[Skill Points: 1]

Eleena opened her eyes in shock to realize that the page had not disappeared—it didn’t seem to be an illusion.

“What is this…?” Eleena muttered perplexedly under her breath.

“This is a gift from the God of Games to those who believe in Him. As long as you believe in Him, it will not disappear,” he explained, smiling softly “Now, quickly add a skill point to one of your skills, and slay that Dragonfang yourself.”

Eleena stared at Xi Wei for a while, the cogs in her mind turning for a while before she came to, and nodded enthusiastically before asking shyly, stuttering a little, “H-How do I add a skill point, and what is a skill…?”

“Skills are the Sacred Arts that the God of Games has blessed you with,” he explained patiently, not knowing whether he should laugh at how the girl got stuck at this point. “Open the skill tree page, and use the skill point you have to activate it. The dimmed out ones mean that you’re not of a high enough level or ability to learn it.”

“How amazing…” Eleena started controlling the unfamiliar system clumsily, muttering in amazement.

As a child who had been born and raised in the village, Eleena had learned Shumonian1 from her father before, but only knew a few words.

Even so, she could still understand all the words that were written on the system page. This was due to the fact that Xi Wei used Godly Script to create these pages, and the language could be understood by everyone regardless of race or whether they were illiterate.

Seeing the Dragonfang almost escape from the village, Eleena quickly chose to learn an attack skill which could be learned by a Holy Maiden at Level 1, ‘Spear of Victory’. Gathering holy divine energy into a golden spear, she shot it toward the Dragonfang, pinning the vile beast to the ground.

The heavily wounded monster spasmed and struggled for a while, before it breathed its last breath and died.

Eleena could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

To her surprise, the corpse of the Dragonfang started emitting a soft golden glow before disappearing completely, leaving behind some shattered bone plates, some sharp teeth, and claws.

“What happened to the monster?” Eleena asked in her astonishment.

“Enemies killed by using the Sacred Arts would be offered to the God of Games as a sacrifice, but sometimes enemies would leave behind some materials, as well as rewards (a.k.a loot) from Him. The rewards you’re given would depend on the strength of the enemy you defeated,” he explained, “After that, the God of Games would give you ‘Experience Points’ based on the enemies you’ve sacrificed. When your Experience Points bar is filled up, you would be able to level up and learn new skills, and then become even stronger!”

In essence, Experience Points were derived from divine energy. Upon receiving sacrifices from his believers, he would be able to split the divine energy obtained into two: 70% would be kept in his Divine Kingdom, while 30% would be given to the believer who did the sacrifice through their Path of Faith in the form of Divine Grace. As the energy continues to accumulate, the divine energy would be converted into a form of energy that could be used by humans, or in other words: leveling up.

As soon as he spoke, a golden glow rose from the young girl—a sign that she had leveled up after she defeated the Dragonfang.