220 heading outside (1/2)

'Now I need to wait for the others ' Josha then made a formation around the Shop, then he broke through the Low grade IS to the ground, they turned to dust and Immortal Chi filled the shop.

”It would be better if I had light and dark resources,” Josha said but then he remembered.

'Wait, Nine Demons gates, According to the manual, I Can find the immortal demonic Chi starting from the fifth gate  ' That was a space skill that open Gates in your dantian, each gate is linked to a Demonic world, and since he cultivating a Demonic method he would cultivate faster with Dark chi.

Josha closed his eyes and start absorbing the Energy around him.

In his view, he is sitting in a large space, and with each moment he stays it takes a lot of energy.

”So This is the space created by the founder of this skill ” Josha consciousness was moving in that space.

”So I have to locate a Demonic world and make a link with it” He start moving his conscious around the blank space and he start finding some worlds covered with the red sphere, there was nine in total.  when he tried to link the biggest one he couldn't.

”So I

'1st mortal  gate:Link' a gate appeared on his Dantian

'2nd Low Demon gate:Link ' a second gate appeared on his dantian.

'3rd gold gate: Link' third golden gate

'4th Diamond gate:Link:

Josha realized that if he did link the gates earlier, he wouldn't need to open them again.

In the outside world, One can see a red strong demonic aura around Josha.

'Seems I need some rest before opening the fifth one.  ' Josha opened his eyes and looked around to see that the Immortal Chi has ended.

*Deep breath * Josha opened the four gates in his dantian and demonic energy start entering his body. But since Josha is Demon sage he can refine and purify this energy to his own or turn it to pure neutral energy.

'But still, energy is lacking” Josha sighed as he closed the gates.


After eating some food, Josha realized that it was one day that passed so It must be the morning.

He went to the storefront and opened the door, to see about ten women waiting while an extremely beautiful girl standing in front of him, she had a perfect curvy body with extremely smooth skin and beautiful face.

”Good morning, seems that you opened, ” That woman said with a smile that can enter any heart.

”You are??” josha asked indifferently.

”hehe, I'm the one who came here yesterday, I came here to say that I made my part from the deal,” she said.

”Aaa, So it's you” Josha just now remembered her, seems that his elixir is more effective than he expected.

”I want to thank you, because of that elixir my husband fell in love with me to degree that he would look at me all day and night,” She said arrogantly.

”So this one is who selling the beauty elixir” a dwarf white-haired girl with a twisted eye twisted nose came and a skin full of holes, but still her cultivation is high.

”Yes, The Price is 5000 IS and the price is unchangeable,” Josha said directly, even though she is earth immortal leave his tone still superior.

”Even though the price is worth 2 immortal earth beasts core, I'll buy it,” She said as she handed a storage bag.

Josha used magic materialization and made a storage ring for me and threw the bag in, then he gave her a bottle of elixir.