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Josha went back to the spaceship he came from with Qiqi.
As they entered from the Ship door,Josha saw the two aliens he killed with the rest Qiqi killed are alive and talking with each other in wonder and horror.
they clearly died and went to the afterlife.
Qiqi was going to charge a killer attack but Josha held her hand.
”Enough killing, we'll just kick them out, ”Josha said with a low voice as he put her hand down
” But it wouldn't be wise to give them a chance or they may do something that would cause us trouble,” Qiqi said while she wants to get rid.
”Trust me, I would kill them before they would do ” Josha looked at her and stretched his hand.
”What,” Qiqi said as she saw Josha's hand.
”My shotgun, ” Josha said as he didn't find it anywhere.
”That” Qiqi's face turned red after hearing Josha's question, she knew how he loved it.
”You Didn't” Josha made an ugly face.
”Josha just listen to me ” Qiqi is trying to make excuse.
”When the third fleet attacked last month, I wanted to see the power of that shotgun, but it didn't work, out of anger I threw it billions of miles away,” Qiqi said as she looked to the dazed Josha.
”My Shotgun...
”Qiqi, later.I'll slap your ass later ” Josha said in some sadness, that was his favorite stuff and the thing that would remind him of his birth planet.
”Really,” Qiqi said in some happiness after hearing he is going to slap her booty, she never tried it before.
'I may find another one ”
”*Sigh*.. anyway I'll deal with those aliens first,” Josha said as he entered the room they were at.
around twenty aliens were talking.
”Hey, weren't we dead ”
”I'm pretty sure that we all saw that asura used a weird weapon to kill Anna”
”Hey, I'm alive,” The alien called Anna said.
” Funny thing, In afterlife I saw frost go to hell”
”Isn't he a hero” One of the aliens who went to hell said.
”he is a fraud, and the Planet we thought it was destroyed by asura was destroyed by him,” a Saiyan said.
they all turned their head to see who entered and they all felt some fear, this man would kill with no blink.
Josha just looked them coldly and unleashed a killing intent that accumulated from killing countless devils, beasts, humans.
The picture of Josha in front of them changed as they felt like a prey looking to a beast, their legs were shacking on its own.
”Scram, Or you will die, ” Josha said as he looked at them.
hearing him no one hesitated and each one of them took a small space ship to leave.
No one wants to stay with a monster.
Qiqi entered where Josha is and said:
Josha lowered his head as he heard her voice to see breasts instead of her head.
”Oh right, I forget that a kid did grow, ” Josha said teasing her.
”It's not funny anymore ”
”When will you make that caramel cake,” Qiqi said while some saliva dropped from her lips.
Josha wiped her mouth and said:” Month later ”
”But... It's too long ” Qiqi said as she held his arm.
”That's for throwing my shotgun,” Josha said with a firm voice.
she can't throw his shotgun and go away without any penalties.
”I'm sorry..please.I won't throw your stuff again ” Qiqi hugged his arm and said, she wanted to harrumph and act angry, but that cake is so delicious.