60 the final tes (1/2)

after one year and a half

josha unlocked 3% of his power


”mama we found that josha hideout, he is hiding in some isolated island .” one of the pirates reported.

”mm, he isn't devil's fruit user so his strength must come from his blood or techniques, either way, I must get them.”Big mom was planning.

”mama mama, go and send him an invitation to the tea party ”the big mom gave her orders.

” But mama he is strong and we afraid we can't make him listen to us ” her subordinate replied

”mm tell smoothie to go to him and send a fleet with her” she smirked As she was eating some cake.


it was the night on josha island

on the beach, Erena Josef Lisa and josha were grilling a sea king.

”Aniki, it has been a long time since we had dinner ” Josef said while he was eating a piece.

”long time? , do you think I don't know that Erena feeds you all the time ” Josha gave him a punch on his head.

”You knew!” Lisa put a surprised face.

”Alright josha, there is a question we all want to know, how the hell do you make the ground vanish each morning ” as Erena asked the other two gave attention.

”oh that, it's just illusion ”josha replied as he took a bite.

”NANI” they were running for their life in hell gravity each morning and what they feared was an illusion.

”Come on, did you really believe I can break the reality, anyway the gravity here is 100-time than normal” Josha laughed at them, then he made a hand seal and stopped the gravity control formation,

they felt they were lighter a hundred time.

”rest well tomorrow the hardest test is waiting for you, oh and skip the breakfast”Josha stood up and went to his backyard.

after he left they start talking

” what do you think tomorrow will happen” Josef asked,