Chapter 81 - Hiding The Truth (1/2)
The next day I woke up earlier than the hsual I stopped in a caffee shop to get a latte and then drove to work. As I drove in the main street I spotted a familiar figure, so slowed down and saw Evelyn was getting out of a house.
She wasn't living in that flat so I wondered why she was there. Did she have any friends living there?
I stopped the car and lowered the window.
She turned around but when her gaze fell on me she got paler and widened her eyes.
She walked closer to the car and smiled but the smile didn't touch her eyes so I had the impression that was a plastic smile.
Maybe she was hiding something from me but what could it be?
”What are you doing here?” I asked trying to sound less meddling than I wanted to sound.
I just hoped she wasn't in trouble.
”Oh...” she cleared her voice and turned to look at the house where she exited from, she contemplated it for some instants unable to answer me.
”I just...” A brief silence, she swallowed down, she looked suspicious, what was she hiding? My first concern was that she may be in trouble but her gaze was more concerned rather than scared. Then my mind diverted in another direction, processing the thought he may cheat on his long distance boyfriend.
Some cars began to honk their horns.
”I just met with a friend.” She finally answered, I nodded even if I hardly believed her but I had to go or people would start yelling at me.
”I have to go,” I gestured to the cars behind me and she nodded offering a shy smile.
I left checking on her with the corner of my eye and spotted her getting in the car and then driving away.
I didn't jnow what she was doing there but if she didn't want to tell me I didn't want to pressure her to do so.
We only recently began to get along and I didn't want to force her to tell me everything she did.
When I went to my office I recognized one of Cameron's cars in the parking spot.
I quickly fixed my dress and checked my make up in the mirror in order to look good when he saw me. I knew that was pathetic since he already saw me in the early morning with no make up on but I still wanted to look beautiful whenever he saw me.
When I got out of the car he reached me, so I stopped before walkimg inside to have some privacy with him.
”Hi,” he smiled to me, ”congratulations about Nicholas Willey. He called me last night telling me how good you are at your job. He also said he suggested the company to his friends.”
I smiled happily and proudly, ”I am glad to hear that. I just did my job.” I shrugged, pretending the compliments didn't touch me as much as those truly did.