Chapter 292 - Power Station (1/2)

Dwayne and everyone else just took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. It was clear to them that Jennia had snapped, but none of them had the ability to handle her.

”Ok then. Well... Dwayne, bro?”

”Uh... yes... yeah?”

”You pretty sure this building is some sort of power terminal?”

”Uh... is she going to hit me if I'm wrong?” Dwayne whispered, trying to hide it from Ruby.

She obviously heard and smiled, causing Dwayne to shiver.

”She's not going to hit you.”

”Ok. I mean... yeah, you look around and most buildings have a line or two going in, but this one has dozens. I'm thinking some in and some out. Like a power station or something?”

”Good enough for now. We are going in to check it out.”

”All of us?” Dwayne asked.

”No. Just us. Take her and get going back to the meeting spot. Get everyone together and move towards the gate. Also note down if you see anything else that could be like this building here. I fee like you're right, but better to be safe than sorry,” Laz responded back, patting Dwayne's shoulder to calm him down.

Although Laz didn't know for sure, he wasn't just basing his guess on what Dwayne said. He had some memories that weren't his that seemed to suggest that this would be what the power station for the gate looked like. Laz could only ȧssume it had something to do with what his teacher had done to him. Laz felt like there was far more he had learned that just what he had been told.

His teacher may have been confined to the lab, but the knowledge he had would far out weigh anything Laz could even dream of learning. Rak'sha's knowledge was the accumulation of many, many years and spanned the galaxy. Laz didn't even technically pass high school.

”Why are we heading for the gate now when we got so much left to check out here?” Dwayne wondered why it seemed like Laz was in a hurry. This place was huge and had tons of stuff left to uncover. And even Dwayne knew that once they got out, there would probably not be another chance to get back in considering the gate was in enemy territory.

”This place is going to be destroyed... and soon.”

”Dude? Seriously?”

”Yeah. Two days at most... One giant fuċkɨnġ creature is going to rip this whole outpost a new one and we don't want to be here when it does...”

”The fuċk?”

”Don't worry about that for now. Do the meet up, getting everyone to head back to the gate and try to avoid those chosen bastards, ok?”

”Sure thing boss man. Damn this girl is putting on some weight...” Dwayne lifted Jennia up and put her over his shoulder. He then waved for everyone to follow him while Ruby and Laz made their way inside.

”What's wrong?” Ruby asked.

”I think... there might be more than just the creature to worry about...”

”What more could their be? Isn't this enough already?” Ruby seemed confused. She was thinking that the base being destroyed by the final boss was already the end... what else could there be to fear?

Laz couldn't answer since he wasn't sure. Once again, it was something to the nature of a thought in his head that he had no idea how it got there. Laz was really weirded out by these random thoughts since he didn't know when he would get them and didn't know if they were real. It was kind of like hallucinating in real time, but in short flashes.

”Let's get moving,” Laz said, going into the metal monster of a building. Luckily for him, Ruby trusted him enough to not ask questions and therefore he didn't need to explain himself. Besides, there was no sense in worrying her if he was wrong.

Following his gut, Laz took quite a few turns and ended up standing at the glass doors of what could only be considered a command center. Not only did they not encounter any trouble on the way through, but it was almost like things seemed to ignore them.

”That was easy,” Laz commented, to which Ruby agreed with a small smile after he turned around. It was clear that she had done something, but she didn't share. All couples have their secrets.

The doors opened without issue, allowing Laz and Ruby to stand in front of a large terminal. The many screens were small, being about the size of a post card but the sheer amount of them was mind numbing. The camera's seemed to monitor every inch of the outpost, allowing Laz and Ruby a view they couldn't have gotten otherwise. Of course, there was also many of the monitors that were no longer operational.

”Why are they so small?”

”Uh... I'm guessing that for whoever or whatever would have been standing here, they didn't need to be larger? Like if your eye sight was good enough, wouldn't a small screen serve just as well as a large one?” Laz responded back. Normally, Ruby would be more knowledgeable about things like security. But this wasn't Earth so earth logic didn't apply.

”Can we really find a shut off for this? Hey... look...” Ruby pointed at one screen and frowned while Laz looked over.

The people on the screen were a mixed group, but Laz could make out more than one familiar face, namely, they were the people who had ran off after Laz and Ruby killed the others. They had met up with their companions and looked like they were in a heated debate. Sadly there was no sound to hear what they were saying. Of if there was, Laz didn't know how to use it.

”We should have killed them all,” Ruby said, thinking back and shaking her head. Although they weren't strong, they weren't weak either. There was no way Laz and Ruby could have killed them all before they fled so them being reported was bound to happen.

Laz never once thought they would get out of this without being discovered.

”That bastard...” Laz noticed Tommy within the group. He didn't have a profound hatred for him per say, but knowing that this bastard was Kennedy's 'ex' just seemed to piss him off.

”You guys have a history?” Ruby asked, intrigued.

”Yeah. Classmates growing up I guess you could say?”

”And yet here you are baby. You're not going to get all sentimental and not detach his head from his body if you get the chance, right love?”

”I will piss in his skull and shit down his neck if I have the chance,” Laz said, still annoyed.

”Damn. You've never been this worked up before... It's really turning me on...” Ruby said, sliding up to Laz and kissing him.

Laz had no choice but to pry his eyes off the monitor and return Ruby's kiss. She wasn't the kind to be ignore.

”Better?” She asked after they had finally broken the kiss.

”Yes. Hmm... I wonder why I...” Laz understood that he was letting his emotions get the better of him. On a normal day, that wasn't an issue. But here, that could be deadly.

”It's ok. But keep it together. Besides, you'll have your chance at him.” Ruby smile while hugging Laz's thin but firm frame.

”He's not going to be an easy opponent.”

”Oh? Why's that, hmm?” Ruby said while observing other screens.