Chapter 289 - Eyes Of Raksha (1/2)

:Ha ha ah ha ha ah... You just became my disciple and you already have turned against me?: Rather than mad by Laz's rejection, the Asura seemed amused.

Laz didn't find it amusing though.​​

:Hey look. I'm not sure what sort of blind techniques you want to teach me, but I'm going to have to say no. I like my eyes just the way they are... functional.: Laz was still backing away when he felt a strong pressure descend upon him, holding him in place. At the same time, Laz noticed that above the body of the Asura, there was a strange being made of light that looked like an exact replica of the body when it was whole.

:What are you doing... master?: Laz asked, knowing where the pressure was coming from.

:Ah, my dear disciple. Do you honestly think I want to blind you? Although there is quite a selection of high level techniques that we Asura have for fighting blind and in fact, there is an entire race of women warriors who are actually born blind who are fear through the galaxy. Despite that, there are many innate techniques that we Asura use our eyes for.:

:Then why would you want me to gouge out my own eyes?:

:Tell me... when your blood starts injecting energy into your body and you take on the half form of an Asura, have you noticed the red glow in your eyes?:

:Yes. I have.:

:That's not normal. Not at all actually. In fact, that is a sign that your eyes are under an immense amount of strain. Your human body has limits that can't be overcome no matter how much you strengthen it. Well, that's half right. Your human body is amazing in that it can adapt to the strain of the Asura blood and grow stronger while also changing to support your Asura bloodline. But there are some parts of the body that can't grow stronger. As I'm sure you know, most mortals from the time they are born until the time they die experience their eyes getting progressively weaker, or at least they don't get stronger. They are one of the few organs that can't grow, change, or evolve into something better. Our people have a way to make their eyes stronger, one of our most secret techniques. I wish to share that with you since it will be a great help to your future. But you have human eyes and therefore are unable to practice these techniques.:

:Then what is the point of removing my eyes?: Laz had always had a thing for his blue eyes. He really didn't want to see them go.

:Because... I am going to move the eyes from my corpse to your body.:

:That's... you can do that?: That seemed pretty outrageous from Laz's point of view.

:No idea. But it's worth a shot. Now hold still...:

Without waiting for Laz's approval, his master caused Laz to lay down while he heard a rather strange noise coming from the corpse on the wall. Like a plunger being pulled, the eyelids of the corpse opened up and it's eyes were removed. Laz didn't want to watch, but he couldn't close his eyes either.

Before he could even argue, Laz felt an intense pain in his eyes before everything went dark.

:Oh... Interesting... That's unexpected...:

Listening on while his master made comment after comment, Laz started to sweat. Imagine a situation where you doctor dragged you in for a surgery against your will on your major organs, kept you awake the whole time and then said 'well... I've never seen that before... now what do I do?' and that would describe Laz's feeling right at this moment.

:Why the hell does he have so many nerve endings...?:

:I'm f_u_c_k_e_d... I'm soooo fuuuuuucccckkeeedddd.:

:I'm not even sure what that means, but just give me a minute.:

Although Laz wanted to respond, he also decided it was best to keep quiet. There was no guarantee that if he somehow distracted the Asura, he might end up seeing upside down from now on.

:Ah. Right. There we go.:

Just as Laz started giving up hope, light suddenly penetrated his eyes as the pressure holding him down was released. Laz took a moment to blink several times while using his hands to make sure there was still balls in his eye sockets.

:They work... WOW... WHAT THE HELL...:

Laz was amazed and the change was difficult to describe. The best way to do it was that if the way Laz's vision worked before, it was like watching an old tube based tv. Now, he was seeing the world like he was watching an OLED. The difference was like night and day.

:This...: Laz stood up and actually got dizzy from the change in view.

:Calm yourself and take it slow. Your mind isn't used to the way your eyes perceive things yet so that will take some time. Honestly though, I was slightly wrong before,: his master said with a bit of shame.

:Wrong about what master?: Laz had no problem calling this creature his master now that he had received such a gift. Laz finally understood that there was no way he could fathom the means of such a creature. After all, he had never heard about something like using someone else's eyes on earth to let someone else see.