Chapter 255 - Solving A Crisis (1/2)

Abraham's body was going through a change. Laz still knew very little about why this happened when it happened. It seemed to occur in younger people more than older ones and women seemed to be affected more than guys. Of course this was simply what Laz had observed.

But all the same, it was happening. Abraham's blood seemed to be boiling as his energy ran rampant, seemingly like it wanted to explode out from inside of him.

Thanks to Sarah, Laz knew what he had to do, but there were going to be problems. Last time, he was in a safe area with people who understood what was happening. This time though, he was surrounded by strangers who may or may not have negative feelings towards the infected.

Laz briefly considered grabbing Abraham and running for Heaven Or Hell, but he quickly decided against it. Abraham's body was like a steaming flesh sack of energy right now. Too much movement and he could literally pop like a balloon. He had no choice to to help him right here.

The next problem was that it was going to be noisy as it would be painful for Abraham. At the moment, he was just uncomfortable. But as soon as Laz went in there to smooth the passageways for the energy and started guiding it, he would be screaming like a banshee. And if Benny and Eddy heard him, they would probably think he needed medical attention and try getting help.

That would be the worse thing possible for Abraham.

'Alright, think. Think... What can I do. Loud music? No... not practical. Try to muffle him with pillows? No... I would probably kill him... GAH... Just six hours ago I was having the time of my life with Malene and now.... wait.... Julia!!!' Laz had a really bad idea, but one that should work.


:Huh? What? Laz?: Julia had just changed her clothes to climb into bed when she suddenly heard Laz's voice in her head from across the wall.

:Yeah. I need your help, quickly!:

:Can't it wait till morning? I'm beat.:

:It's not for me. Abraham's awakening....:

:WHAT? SHIT. WHAT CAN WE DO?: Julia had experience with people going through the process and it very rarely ended well. Even getting them to a doctor might only keep them alive a little longer. As far as Julia was concerned, it was a pass or fail grade. You either got through it, or you died.

:I can help him. But it's going to be noisy. That's why I need your help.:

:Ok? Is the back door unlocked?: Julia had already been quite amazed about the things that were happening around Laz. Although she doubted that there was anything he could do, she would trust him all the same. Having been around people who died during their awakening, Julia knew that wasn't time to waste.

In only a few moments, Julia was sitting on Laz's bed in her pajamas while Laz was standing over Abraham and using his sense to probe his body. Since this wasn't the first time Laz had done this, he was quite a bit more confident that he would be successful.

After examining the condition in Abraham's body, Laz knew he had to get started right away. But first, he needed to tell Julia his plan.

”Ok. So... Abraham is probably going to be making a lot of noise. Although the walls in this house are good enough, it will still get out and alert Benny and Eddy. When they come over, you just need to... uh... well, convince them that it was just noise you and I were making. I can't be stopped once I start so if they start pounding on the door, you need to get them to go away.”

”I'm not sure I understand what you want me to say...?” Julia still seemed a bit confused. Laz couldn't help but marvel at how innocent Julia actually was. Seeing as how she had a rather rocking body, Laz kind of assumed she would be more in touch with this sort of thing. But in the time he's spent with her, he noticed that while she was a bit cold blooded, she was also not someone well versed in the ways of man and woman. He could only nod his head at that old saying that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

”I need you to act like we are having loud s.e.x and send them away...” Laz figured straight to the point was the best suggestion.

”L, L... Loud s.e.x?” Julia looked a bit taken aback.

”Yeah. I mean, Abraham's voice isn't very low so one could mistake it for your voice. You just need to act the part...”

”Ummm....” Julia was looking quite red at the moment. Laz couldn't help but laugh.

He walked over to her and undid several of the buttons on her silk pajamas, causing her ample chevage to spill out. The look was further helped by the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Then he pointed down.

”You're wearing u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, right?” Laz asked with a serious look.

”Yes. Of course. What kind of girl do you take me for?” Julia shot back.

”Good. Take off your pants,” Laz then proceeded to mess up Julia's hair while she sat there frozen.


”It's for the look. Relax. You want to help right? You need to have the right look to pull it off, ok? It's just acting. I seem to remember you're quite skilled at that.” Laz said with a smirk.

”Fine... Fine... as long as it will help.” Julia stood up and slid her blue silk pants down, revealing her long, toned legs.

”Black thong. Perfect.”

”Shut up...”

Laz laughed as he turned back to Abraham and focused his attention. He knew the most important part of this was his focus and to guide the energy towards the path he wanted it to go. Using his infinity technique as the base, Laz brought his finger down on to Abraham's c.h.e.s.t.

Thanks to the boost his spiritual sense received from his activities with Malene, Laz didn't even need to bother removing any of Abraham's clothes. His mind was now strong enough to penetrate the layer of clothing like it wasn't even there.

Just as Laz was about to begin, he stopped and turned to look at Julia.

”What?” Julia asked.

”I just thought of something. Do you have your phone?” Laz asked.

Julia, who was currently sitting on Laz's bed without pants on while her top was unbuttoned, stared at Laz for a second and wondered just what kind of request he was going to put forth now. Sighing, she reached over to her discarded pants and took out her phone.
