Chapter 239 - Woman At Work (1/2)

Laz turned to look at Ivy, only to see the look on her face as she stared at the three tied up men. It was only now that he noticed she was looking at them the way a hungry lion would eye a deer. He could even sense her excitement, an emotion that he wasn't sure they could have. After all, when they had their masks on, they were pretty stone faced. Even during the time in the bath when the masks were off, they didn't exactly have what Laz would call, free emotions. When they smiled, it felt force. When the laughed or giggle, it was way too stiff. Laz didn't think about it before since he didn't know them and wasn't going to judge them. After finding out a bit more about them though, he realized that they truly lacked emotions. Or so he thought.

Ivy looked really excited right now.

The three men were whimpering as though they knew her and even Julia seemed scared. Obviously Laz was going to need to ask what this was about, but it was probably better to wait till they were alone.

Ivy then seemed to notice Julia and turned her head to look at her, causing Julia to let out an ”eck” sound. Before Julia could say anything more, Ivy turned her head to look at Laz. Seeing her look, Laz seemed to understand what she was asking.

”No. Not her. She's a friend.”

Ivy shook her head in understanding before glancing around the room as though looking for something. She then walked towards a door off in the back, opened it and then went in. Laz stared after her with a questioning look on his face before he heard a bunch of noises coming from the room. Before long, Ivy walked out without her briefcase but she was now clothed in a surgeon's gown. She then stood next to Laz as though waiting for instructions.

”Uh....” Laz was a bit absentminded but quickly collected himself.

”Ok. So, we need to know what they know about the kidnappings, who hired them, where the people are being taken, why are they being taken. Basically, anything and everything having to do with that.” Although vague, Ivy shook her head in understanding. What Laz didn't know was that Ivy had been talked to by Freya before she was sent out here and was given certain instructions. The gist of those instructions were to do whatever Laz asked, but to collect the data that Freya needed as well as try to get closer to Laz. Both of them were rather surprised by how little time it took for Laz to come in contact with these people since they had been looking for them for weeks with no luck.

It made them think even more highly of this young man. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click for visiting.

As Ivy walked up and stood before the three men, Julia finally regained her brain and walked up to Ivy before kneeling on the ground. Just when Laz was about to ask what she was doing, Julia spoke.

”My Lady Horseman, It is an honor to meet you. I am Julia of the Trainer's Guild.”

Hearing this, Ivy looked over at Julia for just a brief moment before nodding her head. She then turned back as though Julia no longer existed. Laz felt like this was a bit rude considering the whole act that Julia was performing, but to his surprise he saw Julia smile as she backed away and stood up.

Nothing more was said as Ivy stood in front of the three men, causing them to try their best to back away while being as small as possible. Just when Laz wanted to ask what she was doing, Ivy struck out quickly, grabbing one of the men by the hair and dragging him towards the back room.

”NO. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. TAKE ALLEN, HE KNOWS MORE. HE CAN TELL YOU EVERYTHING. NOOOOO....” Laz was surprised as how quickly this man had snapped and was even more surprised as he notice the other two men let out a breath as though they were slightly relieved.

Before long, Ivy and the struggling man disappeared as the door gently closed.

Seeing this, Laz had no idea what he should do next and instead walked over to stand near Julia who looked both excited and scared.

”What the hell was that?”

”WHAT DO YOU... What do you mean what was that? Why didn't you tell me you invited a horseman? You have any idea that the only reason I didn't piss myself right then was because I saw that she knew you?” At first Julia was going to yell at Laz, but then she thought better about it. Laz could see her eyes dart to the door that had just closed as though she was afraid of disturbing the person inside.

”What the hell is a horseman?”

”You don't know? You really have no idea?”

”Uh... no...?” Laz wondered why she thought he would ask if he knew.

”Whenever we, people like us, go into a new city or town, one of the things you need to do is to check out the strongest people there. There is a website that has these people listed. Although the info on their strength is vague, it offers a rather good analysis on who to watch out for and what to watch out for. Obviously some people aren't listed and don't want to be known. Others like to brag about their own ability but they drop off quickly after being killed by those who want to make themselves known. One of the other listings on the website exists only to warn you about the most dangerous people in a city. While they might not be the strongest, they are the most twisted, cruel and crazy the city has to offer. When it come to New Orleans here, the four hors.e.m.e.n take the top spot in the twisted, cruel and crazy category, without question.” Julia finished explaining her story, causing Laz to understand a few things.

Just as he was about to ask some more questions of Julia, the door opened and Ivy stuck her head out before catching Laz's eye. With a simple wave of her hand, she beckoned him over. Laz, not knowing what she wanted, followed. Ivy made way for Laz to enter the room and gave a nod to Julia while pointing to the two men who were still bound on the floor, indicating that she wanted Julia to keep an eye on them before turning around and following Laz in.

When he entered the room with her, he noticed that whatever furniture was in the room had been thrown over in a pile in the corner and in the center of the room was only a table and the man, strapped securely to a chair. His hands were bound behind him and anchored to the chair while his feet and legs were similarly tied down as well. In addition to that, all of his clothes, minus a pair of stained u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, had been cut off of him and thrown to the side.

As she invited Laz to come closer, he noticed that her briefcase was also open on the table. The large briefcase had actually been divided into layers that unfolded from the case, showing a various assortment of clean tools along with different vials of chemicals. Looking at them, Laz noticed that their contents had been written on them with rather cutesy hand writing. Laz never thought he would see something like Piranha solution written with little hearts replacing the ”o's” in the spelling.