Chapter 120 - The Nap That Wasnt Meant To Be (1/2)
Reggie looked expectantly at Laz for a response that wasn't going to be coming anytime soon. Laz just stared at Reggie for a minute, looking at that youthful face that seemed full of life and energy. He then turned over and laid down, totally ignoring Reggie.
It wasn't like Laz was trying to be mean, but he didn't want to get caught up with Reggie. In Reggie, he could see a bit of what he would have been had things not happened as they did. There are times in everyone's life where they make an important decision, one that effects and shapes the path going forward, a path that would be completely different had they made a different choice. Laz was already walking this path, a path full of loss and regret. Over the past year and a half, he had dragged himself out of that quagmire of despair more times then he wanted to count. Well, with a bit of help from Vivi of course. He didn't want to drag others into it.
Even though him and Reggie were the same age, Laz felt much older. Although he didn't know why there were here, just hearing the question was enough for Laz to understand that Reggie was looking for more people like himself and that girl Dee. Gathering together wasn't a good move at this current time.
Laz had seen the websites, ones that were akin to terrorist gathering points for those with powers. Most of them were catering to those who were 'sick' since the ones who weren't sick didn't have any reason to hide. The wanted their rights protected and they would fight for it if they had too. Not that Laz disagreed with that, but how did you know that by joining one of these groups, you weren't walking into a trap? There was far to much risk involved. As for those who had been 'chosen' to get powers while not being sick, Laz got a bad feeling about those people whenever he thought back to that time with Tommy. He got the nagging feeling that those 'chosen' were going to be a different type of problem.
Monster attacks.
The 'infected' ones.
And now these chosen.
Every time Laz thought about these things, he got a headache. To make matters worse, the government was encouraging people who had gotten powers and didn't feel sick to come forward to register as one of those special humans, offering a whole host of benefits for them. This was obviously a trap as no one who had changed would feel sick in the slightest. If Laz hadn't previously interacted with Tommy, he would wonder if these 'chosen' even existed.
So because of all this, Laz felt it was better to lay low and not draw attention to himself. Or to join a group that would draw attention to themselves. Sadly, Reggie seemed to be sure of himself and wasn't going to take the subtle hint to go away.
”Hey, come on. I know you are. I felt it the other day when you looked at me...”
”Reggie, you should word that differently, it sounds like you have a crush on him,” Dee interjected from the side where she was still playing with Vivi.
”Dammit, Dee. I told you to call me R-Dawg,” Reggie shot back. He had wanted to introduce himself by his chosen title so that it would start to become a thing. After all, the more you spread something, the more real it would become.
”And I already told you there is no way in hell that was going to happen,” Dee responded back with a smile.
”UHH... Um... anyway. My name is Reggie and this is Danielle, but everyone calls her Dee.” Reggie finally introduced himself and Dee, although it was to Laz's back.
”So... I was just wondering, you know, if you know anything about them?” Reggie muttered, somewhat unsure of what to say. He had wanted to meet and talk with someone else since so far he could only talk to Dee and his sister. He didn't feel like he was sick and all of them felt tempted to go and register as those special people since they would then basically be taken care of for the rest of their lives. Dee and him both thought it was a good idea but his sister had her doubts. He knew the risks as well and since he didn't know which category he would fall into, he held himself back.
Laz heard the hesitation in Reggie's voice and had a pretty good idea what he was thinking. Support money, a job, free healthcare, retirement, basically all the things a person could want for the rest of their lives, just so long as you had powers but weren't infected. It was a trap disguised as a tempting offer. Although Laz didn't want to personally involve himself in this, he knew that if he did nothing and something happened to these kids, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.
”Do you care about her?” Laz turned over and pointed at Dee. Reggie blanked for a moment since he wasn't expecting this.
”Um... were not like...” Reggie wanted to explain his and Dee's relationship, but the words were getting mixed up.
”I don't care if you're childhood friends or fuck buddies, I'm just asking if you care about her?” Laz wanted to make a point.
”Yes?” Reggie was a bit stumped as to what this had to do with what he had asked.
”Then I can only assume she cares about you too,” Laz concluded while sitting up.
”So let me ask you this, is it worth losing her for the chance to live an easy life?” Laz continued. Reggie, hearing the question, turned around and looked at Dee who was also looking at him. Only they knew what they were thinking about, but both of them seemed to understand what Laz was implying.
”No, it's not,” Reggie finally answered. They might only be friends, but he knew he felt more than that towards her. He just didn't know if she felt the same.
*These two are so stupid it hurts,* Vivi commented while looking back and forth between them. Even she could feel the sexual tension between them and yet they both seemed ignorant of it.
”Then there's your answer, huh?” Laz asked while looking at Reggie in the eyes, as though daring him to have a different thought.
”Then how do we know what we are? Infected or chosen?” Dee asked, knowing that Reggie was starting to chicken out again.
”You're both infected. Sorry. You lost this lotto,” Laz answered honestly. He was able to hide his energy and resonance, but neither of them were able to. He was curious if they knew that part of their feelings were based on this resonance, but he wasn't going to ask. That wasn't his place.