Chapter 108 - Energy Sparring (1/2)
Kat was amazed. Based on her experience, she was expecting something... reddish? She looked at Laz with a confused look on her face. Laz couldn't help but stand there and look at his hand as he flexed it into and out of a fist. He had no idea what to expect so he felt rather excited about the result.
”What was that?” Kat asked, completely forgetting her mental requirement.
”What? That was what you asked for, wasn't it?”
”Was it?”
”I... uh... yes?” Laz noticed the look she was giving him and started to feel a bit self conscious.
”Ha ha ha ha ha...” Kat burst out laughing. She couldn't help but be amused by Laz who was a constant ball of surprises.
”Is there something wrong?” Laz wondered about her change of behavor.
”No. No. Let me explain.” Kat went on to explain about the way her source essence reacted and the way he father's did. When Laz heard this, he realized why she had doubted him at first.
”Anyway, don't worry about it. After all, we just have three people to judge these things by. It's not like it's a lot to work with.”
As Laz thought about it, he couldn't help but agree. Everything that had happened from the beginning to the end was new. There was no set guidelines for anything and no examples of which to speak. The only reason he had come here in the first place was to learn how to fight like a human. But the truth was far different from that. Even though human fighting styles might work for a while, Laz felt that things would be completely different down the road. Take his black flame or Kat's golden wave. They were not things that normal humans would be able to do. In an unarmed fight, he had his own firepower. This line of thinking led him to a mind-numbing possibility.
'What happens when we get strong enough that weapons like guns no longer work on us? Is there an actual stage like that? If there is, what will become of normal humans?' Laz didn't want to considered the possibility, but it came to him anyway. And it was not a nice one.
”Well, I guess our dummy is toast. No idea what dad will say. Whatever. It's not my problem.” Kat proceeded to drag the dummy over into a corner and then walk back as though it was no longer her concern.
”Alright, well, guess that is over with now. From now on, go outside when you want to practice that and shoot it up into the air or something. It's not like those dummy's are cheap. And before you say anything, yes you should use it more, but only the loose energy in your body. This way, you're not hurting your building foundation in the process. I'm not really sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing, but until we know more, it's best not to try,” Kat advised. Nodding his head, Laz agreed.
They ended up switching to a normal round of Laz the human punching bag. The only plus side was that he was able to last longer and longer against her. In fact, it took almost an hour of back and forth before Kat was able to land a solid hit on him.
As they kept going, both of them started to sweat and get a little winded. As the hours wore on, Kat and Laz both started smiling like idiots. Since it was the first time going at it like this since his training really began, both Kat and Laz could see the improvement in Laz. He could see that she wasn't going easy on him which made him excited for his progress. Kat on the other hand, felt like she finally found someone who could keep up with her.
The rising level of excitement and adrenaline caused both of them to start being more and daring and bold. Sometimes when Laz missed a hit, he would change the flow of his palm, causing it to smack down on Kat's breasts. Since they lacked a bra and were only held in place by the tank top that she had tied tight to keep them from moving around too much, they would bounce freely for a moment giving Laz a great show. The first time was an accident, the times after were not. For Kat's part, every time Laz let her move in close, she would mess with him as well. One moment she would twist his nipple and the next time she somewhat roughly rub either her thigh or her hand against his crotch. The sparring session turned from a serious one into more of a violent sexual encounter.
As the strange match continued, they upped the stakes a bit. It started as a quick reaction on Kat's part, something she didn't mean to do. As Laz went in for a body shot, Kat shifted her torso away while stepping back to avoid it. She had kept her front leg forward in hopes of using it to trip Laz. Laz, being a bit too much into the moment, ended up stopping his attack first and reaching both hands out, latched on to Kat's stimulated nipples and twisted them in opposite directions. Although he didn't use much strength, it still caused Kat to be caught off guard. Her surprise made her body respond on it's own and without meaning too, she ended up launching a golden wave of energy at him.
The wave she produced was made in haste and didn't have much behind it, but even them it was her special attack all the same. The wave measured almost 5 feet in width as it quickly struck Laz. Laz, although muscular, was still of rather small build and wasn't anywhere close to as heavy as the training dummy. The wave caused him to fly back almost 30 feet before he landed on the ground and rolled another 20 feet. He felt like he had been hit with a car thrown like a frizz bee.
Kat quickly regained her wits and ran forward, cursing herself for her loss of control while yelling out to ask Laz if he was aright. Just as she got close to where he ended up on the ground, Laz slowly sat up and shook his head while looking around as though in a daze. Kat approached him and leaned over, reaching her hands out to touch his face and check his eyes for a concussion. Seeing his pupils dilated just fine, she knew he was ok. But her worry over the matter had caused her to let down her guard. Just as she was about to stand up straight, she felt a powerful whack hit her ass. She then heard him say,
”Whew. Glad that as was what I thought it was. I thought I was in trouble there for a minute. Damn that hurt.” Laz started to rub his whacking hand with his other hand.
”Oh ho ho. Who said you aren't?” Kat jumped back and once again shot out a palm, launching a much smaller wave of energy in Laz's direction.
”Hey now! That's unfair.” Laz said as he quickly rolled out of the way, allowing the golden energy way to hit the ground at the exact spot he had been sitting.
”Life's unfair. Deal with it.” Kat once again moved as though she was going to keep attacking him whether he got up or not.
The wave this time was even more concentrated and didn't allow for Laz to avoid it in anyway. Standing up, Laz bent his knees slightly after squaring his feet and punched out. He didn't add any source energy to this attack, but he let it freely flow from the loose energy inside himself.