Chapter 100 - Running As Though Your Life Depended On It (1/2)

After hearing the sweet voice of the devil, Laz booked it. He had the feeling that being caught would not be a pleasurable experience so he felt running away was in order. He started to question why the hell he thought that what he did was a good idea. Of course, it was too late to question that now.

Taking a deep breath, Laz started to circulate his energy. Now didn't seem like the best time to hold back. As he started running faster and faster, he also expanded out his senses to not only keep track of where he was going while moving so quick, but to also keep an eye on Kat. When he finally caught sight of her, he almost tripped and fell.

Laz was pushing it as hard as he could, jumping over debris on the path, dogging around trees, whatever he could do. But when he got Kat in his sense, he felt like she was just gracefully running towards him and not even trying. Although he was putting in an insane amount of effort, it looked like she couldn't care less.

They scariest part was that she was no slower than him. This was the first time he was using his source essence to power his body and yet she looked like she was keeping up with no problem. The only strange thing that Laz noticed was that it almost seemed like she was glowing a bit. Truthfully, it was hard to tell since she had nicely tanned skin, but Laz could had sworn that she looked like she was glowing a slight bronze color.

The only other explanation he could think of was that he might have been losing it a slight bit, a thought which he almost agreed with. At least, he did. As they were running along, staying about an equal distance apart of around 100 feet, there was a rather large tree downed and blocking the path. Laz decided the easiest way to clear it was to just straight jump over it, as such, as he got closer, he slowed down a bit before leaping up and making the almost 7 foot jump look no more difficult that a normal sized hurdle.

Grinning a bit with his success, he once again bolted although the distance between him and Kat had decreased to a mere 50 feet, he wondered how long the blockade would slow her down. As he kept going, he kept his sense locked on Kat and was a bit amazed when she didn't slow down in the slightest.

40 feet...

30 feet...

10 feet...

When he saw that she was almost to the tree and didn't slow down, he couldn't help but stop and look back. His eyes became as wide as saucers as he saw her run into the tree head on and watched as the tree practically exploded from the impact.

”WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Laz yelled, but he quickly regained his wits and took off. Kat still had the same pleasant smile on her face as she noticed she had gotten closer to Laz. Her body truly did have a soft bronze glow around it. Although he wasn't sure what it meant, he knew that she was using her ability while running.

As they continued along, now closer than ever, Laz couldn't help but drive his energy to the max. In response, he felt like he was glowing now as well, a bloody red color. If he had a mirror, he would have noticed the color of his soft blue eyes had changed to the intense red color as well. Knowing that he was running out of steam and that Kat wasn't about to stop anytime soon, he decided he needed to change strategies. It might not have been a good plan in his mind, but it was the only one he could come up with.

Laz slowed to a stop along a rather empty stretch of path, the only thing of note within sight was a small creek, barely 3 feet deep and around 6 feet across. Controlling his breathing, he turned around and waited the few seconds for her to catch up.

Kat, seeing Laz had stopped, slowed down while looking a bit disappointed. She couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.

Laz, for his part, stood there as calmly as possible, although he couldn't help but feel his heart beat fast. Something that wasn't caused by his hectic running.

Neither said anything as they looked at each other and Laz knew that he had to go first. He wanted to apologize, but for some reason the words weren't coming to his mouth. In fact, he got the distinct feeling that he would just piss her off more if he did something like that. While keeping his sense tightly locked on her, he started taking a few steps forward, decreasing the distance between them once again.

As he came in close, he could see the beads of sweat that rolled down her tightly developed muscles. Without thinking about it, he even took a deep breath and was able to smell the pleasant scent of her heated up body. It was more than enough for someone to lose themselves in although Laz kept a tight grip on his arousal.

Standing just a few feet from her, Laz took a step forward with his left foot and angled his body, clearing taking on a fighting stance. Kat just looked at him for a moment in surprise before a soul stirring smile appeared on her face.

”That's it! That's exactly right. As a man, how could you fear a sweet, cute and innocent little woman like me?” Kat asked with a grin. She didn't take a stance though, leaving Laz to almost feel foolish about himself.

”Ah, no. Actually, I'm kinda scared shitless of you. But since I know I can't outrun you, I figured I might as well see just how tough you are,” Laz replied back with his honest thoughts. What he was really hoping for was that she might go a bit easy on him. If he kept trying to run away, eventually, he would run out of energy and wouldn't even be able to defend himself. As such, he got the idea that it was better to try his luck than to poke this 'honey badger.'

”Oh, my dear little boy toy. Seems like there's a bit of spine in all that jelly. Well, that's good enough I guess. I really like that look in your eyes, that cold and deadly look. Maybe you don't mean to do it. Maybe you don't even know you have it, but it's there. And it's very, VERY exciting. Come then, I promise I won't bite... much.” Kat started to move in a circle around Laz as he constantly adjusted himself so that he was facing her straight on.