Chapter 503 - The long awaited meeting (Part-2) (1/2)

The cup from Beatrice's hand fell on the ground as it broke into many pieces, while others suddenly a frightened look on their faces.

Yujie who was visiting them stood up as he moved towards the servant as he spoke, ”Do you know where he is being held at?”

”Huh? Wha?..”, as the servant gained a confused look on his face, Fang spoke with a frown, ”Grandpa, should I gather our clan members.”

”Of course, go ahead and gather we will have to rescue him.”, he then looked towards Sabine as she spoke, ”Get your brother to deploy the Royal guards, if even a hair is harmed of him, we will flatten the JI clan.”

”Excuse me.”, as the voice of the lower-ranking member of the clan reached their ears Fang spoke in an irritated voice, ”What is it?”

”Actually the incident is already over.”

The clan member gave a pat on his back later on as he did not faint nor did he soil himself upon suddenly facing the murderous intent as Yujie ordered in a stern voice, ”Explain.”

”The situation has already been resolved, since it happened within the boundaries of Shangri-La, we are not sure what has happened but we learned that a Celestial has barged in, and attacked  senior Yu Wu viciously, we do not know what happened but he was subdued, declared traitor and subsequently fired from Shangri-la.”

Yujie stroked his beard as he spoke, ”I see and are the sources reliable.”

”Yes, my lord in fact we all have seen the Celestial after he has been punished severely and once again thousand apologies as my brothers and I have only managed to learn about it after rumors began to fly, and then my brother and I went to confirm it.”

With a deep breath, he continued, ”We found the Celestial, he was strung from a tree in front of the Ji clan compound, the Celestial was crippled, his limbs had been cut off and then he was dressed like cheap p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e with atrocious makeup put on him, his head had been shaved clean, and then the words 'Traitor', and 'Ji clan's whore', was tattooed on him.”

A stunned silence descended amongst them before Fang quickly summarized everyone's thoughts, ”You are joking.”

The clan member shook his head as he spoke, ”No I am not my Lord, at first I also thought it was a baseless rumor but upon going near their clan compound I saw the Celestial hanging from a tree, in a way that looked as if he was gift wrapped for the Ji clan, also there was letter attached to him unfortunately its contains I was unable to read as the Ji clan members chased us all away but I managed to learn from others its contains.”

Sabine frowned as she spoke, ”What was written on it?”

”A gift to the most Honorable Daoist I had the misfortune to meet, I hope Daoist Ji Dog Shit would love the makeup I have given to his clan's favorite cuddle buddy, from Ryuu, General Manger of Kuvosie Branch of Shangri-La.”

Once again a deafening silence descended as Joseph let out a bark of laughter as he exclaimed out loud while wiping out tears that have gathered in his eyes, ”Damn I like his style.”

Only for Joseph's joy to vaporize upon receiving a withering glare from his mother, while his father dismissed the news bearer.

”Senior Yujie, what do you about this?”

Yujie looked towards Salazar as he spoke with a frown, ”It means that the older man that Jacklin is protecting him, but why what is his relation to Ryuu.”

Salazar frowned as he spoke, ”But most importantly why did he suddenly appeared here as a General Manger of the branch, even when he is not that strong, the previous manager was peak of Mystic Immortal realm, but at best he could be a 1st ranked Immortal, but everything seems so fishy.”

As Yujie agreed with him with a nod Sabine could not help but protest out loud, ”What do you mean by that? How could believe that Ryuu could do such a thing?”

Fang gave a tired sigh as he spoke, ”I can understand from where grandpa and father are coming from, he suddenly appeared out of blue, not to mention he is holding the same position that a Mystic Immortal Emperor used to hold, not to mention why now, why did he suddenly appear can grandpa suddenly detect him, if he was shrouded by an expert then why is he not shrouded now.”

Yujie nodded as he spoke with a sigh, ”So many questions but so very few answers.”, he paused for a moment before he spoke with a bright smile, ”But, enough of that tomorrow we are going to meet him so let us stop giving fuel to this morbid thoughts.”

His words seemed to cheer everyone up, though in a remote corner of Yujie's mind a thought stung him repeatedly, 'Will he really return back home?'

The very next day, Ryuu had arrived at his office and his eyes instantly narrowed at the large pile of paper that had been deposited on his desk.

'Why is it increasing day by day?'

”Because instead of working hard you are slacking off, Your Highness.”

Ryuu face turned red as he turned towards Yamamoto as he hurriedly spoke, ”What do you mean I am slacking off, of course not I am working hard.”

Yamamoto looked at him with a small smile on his face as he raised his hand as he began to list Ryuu's reasons one by one.

”Firstly day before yesterday, you took the whole day off because you wanted to deal with the nuisance, then yesterday you took the day off because wanted to check on Yu Wu, whose hand was fractured, and I would like to once again remind you that the same hand was healed the very day within a few minutes because of wonderful pills, and the best part you spoke to her for a few minutes before you went off to sleep.”

Ryuu suddenly found the wall opposite to Yamamoto interesting as he quickly turned his back at him as he spoke, ”Advisor you misunderstand, I was meditating, yes mediating not sleeping, the entire episode with the traitor was making my blood boil as such I was trying to mediate to calm myself.”

Yamamoto let out a faux gasp as he spoke, ”That must be some deep meditation, so deep that I might have mistaken it for sleeping because of my old age.”

Ryuu gave an uneasy smile as he spoke with an uneasy smile on his face, ”Stuff happens there is no need to mull over it.”

”Hmm, may be so but you meditation technique had even managed to fool our Honorable and wise Empress, when she came to check on you she also concurred that you were sleeping and said she would think of proper punishment for you later on.”

Ryuu blanched at his words as his head whipped towards Yamamoto's direction as he spoke, ”What do you mean? Big sister was here, when? And why did you not wake me up?”

Yamamoto beamed at him as he spoke, ”Aha, so you admit you were sleeping.”