Chapter 446 - Of Rains and Duels (Part-2) (1/2)

Upon being asked by the volunteer ten others joined him, their work was simple they would help him carry the piece of the pill on paper and wait for twenty breath in front of the competitors before destroying them.

As the person was busy dividing the pills Ryuu had closed his eyes as he went into a trance for a second before he reopened them, he could fell the Grand Dao of Alchemy signing in him caressing him, his eyes fell on to the box containing the various pills wrapped along within the paper, he could feel them singing to him, some of them horribly off-key while some extremely soothing especially one of them.

'Ah, it must be mine, the one I had submitted, as it seems to have the highest purity than others.'

When he was younger his teacher always told him to listen to the sound of ingredients at first he could not understand what she meant it sound so mysterious, in fact, once he held an ingredient near his ears for an entire day just to get a whisper of the sound and was greatly dejected when he had failed to do so, although his teachers gained new reasons to tease him.

But now, it was different, he was able to hear it clearly he was able to hear them and with great difficulty, he tore his gaze from the box as he looked at the piece of the sample that was being brought to him.

'What a course sound it makes? Now let us see what are you made up of.'

Ryuu peered into the pill in front of him as he soon dissected it, separating its components in a rather easy manner.

'Huh, a 'Yin Body Replenishing Pill', a rather interesting pill, normally everyone is born with their Yin and Yang in perfect balanced but in some cases, they might have a slight disharmony and one of them is when someone lacks the Yin in their body, though through cultivation we may change our constitution a bit being born with one is different.'

'Hmm, I can substitute it with 'Frozen Moonflower Nectar', instead of Nightshade Bamboo essence, it would work better with the rest of the ingredients, an interesting pill, strong enough to change a person's constitution from extreme Yang to a more balanced Yin-Yang type, yet difficult enough because of its hundreds of ingredients, which means only someone of my rank can accomplish it, it would be fun to create it, but now comes the second one.'

”Are you ready for the second one Daoist Ryuu?”

Ryuu looked up towards the person as he gave a small nod eagerly waiting for the next pill.

Frozen Ocean watched all the competitors like a hawk she knew Ryuu was a proud and honourable person and she would be damned before she let someone cheat, something the others happily lend a hand too, after all, they would not let their realm lose.

”Ryuu looks so serious and focused it is like he is a completely different person.”

Zywia nodded at Frost Flames words as she spoke, ”True though if you look closely you can feel the Dao stirring in the air, especially around him.”

Frost Flames smiled upon hearing that as she spoke, ”He is really talented.”

Zywia nodded as Amnon spoke with his eyes narrowed, ”First a 'Yin Body Creation' pill something I have not heard off, then the second is 'Realm Ascendance Pill', and the third is the 'Stone Heart Pill', that is something I have not heard of as well, two pills that are not known to me.”

Zywia looked towards Amnon as she spoke, ”' Yin Body Creation Pill' is known by another name to us, it is called 'Yin Body Replenishing Pill', used to cure people who are born with extreme Yang type bodies to the point they do not even have an iota of Yin amongst them and it is bad for health when they had yet to venture forth into cultivation.”

She then looked forward as she continued to speak, ”Now the 'Stone Heat Pill' is an extremely difficult pill to craft, during tribulation one has to suffer tribulation for the heart, it is an essential pill when one wants to ascend to the Celestial Realm, but even if it is essential, not only is it extremely complex and difficult to create but it is extremely rare, of the other two is a simple walk in the park compared to it.”

Her words made her friends be shocked to their core, as 'Tribulation of Heart', was one of the most difficult parts of the Tribulation, some even say it surpasses the Lightning Tribulation and yet here is a pill that could help them was something unthinkable for them, no matter how small it was truly astonishing for them to learn about it.

True-Spear looked at Zywia for a moment before he looked back towards the competitor as he spoke, ”Damn who could create such a thing?”


His head swivelled towards Frost Flames as he spoke, ”Ryuu? Are you sure it is him? After all, it can very well be one of the cultivators, who have gotten their hands on the pill from their senior and is trying to show off.”

Frost Flames simply shook her head as she replied to back to him, ”No I am positive it is Ryuu, did you not smell the aroma of the pill or see the light pink translucent colour emitting blue sparkles from the inside now and then, it is definitely Ryuu.”