Chapter 423 - The Hidden Treasure (Part-4) (1/2)
Ryuu leaned on his spear breathing hard, Zywia was already on the floor as was Su-Min completely tired, True-Spear was in a similar position to him leaning and standing with the help of his spear.
His eyes then travelled towards Frost Flames, who was leaning against the wall, her face was glistening with sweat, as her body could be seen well pronounced from the water-soaked clot…..
Ryuu hastily turned his head closed his eyes as he chanted in his head, 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.', as he hastily tried to remove the vision from his head.
'I am glad that I was comatose during most of my puberty and even my young a.d.u.l.t stages, but most importantly how would I have managed to keep myself away from any form of s.e.x.u.a.l needs until I reach the Celestial realm, now... control yourself control yourself.'
Ryuu would have tried to use every chant and sutras that he had learned to focus his mind and ward himself from such desires but unfortunately no matter how much he tried he could not remember anything at the moment.
'I need a distraction, I need a distraction, how do I distract myself, ahh I forgot I am dying and I only have a couple of years to live.'
As soon as he remembered that his less than noble thoughts vanished as reality crashed on to him making him sad and depressed.
True-Spear blushed as he looked at the prone form of Zywia as they stared at each other completely forgetting their surrounding only a feeling of gloom, despair and sadness hit him, making him look towards Ryuu with confusion.
'I have not made any progress with my condition, I wasted so much time I doubt I would if I am further distracted I would be able to deal with it.'
”Ryuu, Ryuu!!”
The shout from True-Spear brought him out of his daydream, as he looked towards him as he spoke, ”Yes brother True-Spear is something the matter?”
True-Spear had a worrying look on his face as he spoke, ”Brother Ryuu, you look depressed a bit.”
Ryuu's eyes widen for a moment before he spoke with an embarrassed look on his face, ”Well I was mainly upset with the lack of any treasures even after we have ventured forth so much in this place we have received nothing.”
Frozen Ocean raised one of her delicate eyebrows as she spoke with disbelief, ”And this let to your depression?”
The embarrassment increased thousandfold as he spoke barely above a whisper, ”One thing led to another and I suffered from an existential crisis.”
A stunned silence descended amongst them before Su-Min fell in a fit of laughter as True-Spear simply went to help Zywia stand up before they left towards the door as did the others completely ignoring a stunned Ryuu.
”Oi! Where are you all going? Oi! Why are you leaving me behind?”, with that he gave chase after them.
”Not another large room.”
Su-Min could help but cry out in frustration at that, a notion they all seemed to share, every time they entered a new room they were forced to fight under frustrating conditions, and every time they prevailed over them because of arrays.
”Everyone get ready.”, a tired Ryuu spoke with a sigh as the rest simply let out a groan.
Normally they would have much more enthusiasm but the lack of any treasures had already siphoned off their will to continue.
Well everyone except Su-Min who wholeheartedly believed on the fact that at the end there must be some kind of super treasure as she went towards her tale of how once she went into a tomb and ….. Ryuu promptly tuned her out he was feeling bored and was in no mood for any gossip.
Ryuu might have been bored but that did not mean that he was not vigilant, his senses were strained to the maximum without the use of any techniques as he waited for whatever trap that was present in the room to activate.
A sizzling sound and a small glow of array was all the warning Frost Flames received before she found herself shoved hard, so hard that air was ejected forcibly from her lungs.
She turned around quickly to see with horror in her eyes that in her place Ryuu was trapped in what seemed to be a birdcage.
”Damn it I got caught.”
Frost Flames heart leapt to her throat at the sight as Ryuu spoke, ”Keep your eyes open there might be other surprises.”
Others especially Frost Flames and Frozen Ocean had a look of distress on their faces as Frost Flames spoke with a slight quiver in her voice, ”But you….”
”But nothing I will find a way for sure okay there is nothing to worry about.”
Even after being reassured by Ryuu, their concern for him was not abated.
Ryuu looked closely at his cage as he sighed, 'Of all the things that I could have stumbled into a cage made up of array strings, wish I could dangle an array on air like my teachers now I have to find a way to break free from it.'
'hmm now if I turn the array sequence in this manner, and remove…..'
His musings were cut short when all of a sudden he heard Zywia's shout
”Ryuu watch out!”
Ryuu looked up to see a pale blue liquid dropping on him, he turned to look towards Zywia with a deadpanned look on his face.
' Thanks for shouting out though but how will I move when the cage has just enough space for me to only stand.'
Others looked at the horror as Ryuu was drenched in a strange pale blue coloured liquid, a liquid that hit the floor before letting out a sizzling noise.
”No!”, with a cry full of pain and anguish Frost Flames tried to dash towards him only to be stopped by True-Spear who held her tightly stopping her from moving towards Ryuu.
”Let me go.”, Frost Flames shouted out in anger as True-Spear winced as he was hit by a bone-chilling cold and scorching heat.
”Sister, please calm down if you move willy-nilly you will not only harm yourself but him as well, being hot-headed in this situation will not work.”
Frost Flames looked ready to protest as Frozen Ocean tried to move forward but was stopped by a serious-looking Zywia who spoke as she shook her head negatively, ”Don't sister that is no mere liquid, more like Frost Venom Naga's poison, a very dangerous substance if you come in contact it would spread fast through your body, freezing and destroy your cells so fast that within seconds you will be ice sculpture.”
Hearing that everyone's widen as they looked at the place where Ryuu was held as a prisoner, by then the entire cage coated with gallons of poison looked like a large ice pillar.
Frost Flames renewed her struggle to free herself from True-Spear's hold only to stop as a gargantuan aura surrounded them briefly before it disappeared, the pillar cracked before it collapsed as Ryuu stepped out of it looking a bit scalded.
”Damn it, the poison itches so much.”
As Ryuu spoke True-Spear let go of Frost Flames who dashed towards Ryuu who seeing her approaching him quickly raised his hand as took a couple of steps back as he spoke, ”Stop stop, do not come any closer I am covered with enough poison to kill you so please maintain some distance.”
Frost Flames stopped a few distances away from him as she spoke, ”You are still covered in poison so how will you remove them.”
Ryuu simply shrugged as he spoke, ”Well most of the time just washing them off works winders though I would love to do so as fast as possible”, seeing their confused look he decided to elaborate a bit, ”I have rather sensitive skin, and it is itching a lot.”
Zywia snorted at that as she spoke, ”You are complaining about itching, even Mid-level Celestials might die from exposure to it and you shrugged it off like it was nothing.”
Meanwhile, Ryuu was in a good mood, the poison at first glance looked like that of Frost Venom Naga but in reality, it was different, it was something more dangerous, but he managed to acclimatize to it, maybe not wholly but enough for him not to suffer any trouble because of it, for the time being, a couple of day of meditation and his body would have gained even more powerful antibodies further slowing the effect of the already deadly poison sealed in his hands.
All in all, Ryuu was in a good mood if only he could take a nice bath and get rid of the itching it did be great but unfortunately even if he had the means he was not going to parade his flying vessel in front of everyone.
Su-Min pouted as she spoke with a sigh, ”You people from large families sure have it right.”
Ryuu simply smiled at her while inwardly he wanted to scream and curse, the process of acclimatizing with poison was not that easy it is extremely painful, he was glad that this poison was just tad bit stronger than his current immunity, but it was enough to increase his life span a little and at the same time not painful enough to make him fall on the ground and curl up like last time.
True-Spear looked at Su-Min curiously as he spoke, ”What do you mean by that?”
Ryuu did not know whether Zywia had told her much about herself as such he decided to speak with a sigh, ”Bother has Zywia told anything about her family?”
Zywia looked affronted at that as she spoke, ”Brother Ryuu that is something that I believe I should speak with him in private.”