Chapter 342 - Holy Brirus Empire(Part-1) (1/2)

Ryuu step to the side while bowing his head slightly as an older copy of Hiro stepped inside but unlike the jovial look on his son's face, his was a bit stoic as he stepped inside the room he was followed closely by what seemed like a goblin shark on two legs, the 'Empress' along with another that looked like a puffer fish.

The Emperor looked with fascination as the large dry room was being filled with water and by the time the Emperor and his entourage had entered the room was already full.

The Emperor looked at him with slightly wide eye as he spoke, ”Amazing, but why did you leave the safety of the water the place above the water is poisonous.”

Ryuu gave him a small placating smile as he spoke, ”Your Majesty, we are land dwellers which means we live above water as such we are adapted to stay out of water without any problem.”

The Empress whom Ryuu had dubbed as Mrs. Goblin-shark spoke with surprise evident in her voice, ”But how there is no land above the water?”

Ryuu looked at her as he spoke with a smile, ”Your Majesty, we are not from this place we are far far away from this place and now we are stranded here searching for a way home.”

The Puffer fish on two legs spoke for the first time, ”Is that why you have two unknown appendages on your lower body?”

Ryuu nodded at that as he spoke, ”Yes ma'am it helps us to walk on land, but please pardon me if I am a bit rude but may I inquire about you identity.”

The puffer fish was startled at that as she spoke, ”Ah please forgive me, my name is Jorah and I am the Royal Alchemist.”

Ryuu's eyes widen at that as he spoke with a smile, ”That is wonderful to meet a fellow Alchemist I hope we can get to discuss on Alchemy.”

The woman nodded at that as The Emperor spoke, ”Honored warrior you said that you two were stranded here are you two alone or there are others with you.”

Zywia who was listening to them frowned, 'How can I understand them perfectly?', she was about to ask Ryuu only to held her tongue, 'How stupid and idiotic I can be of course I can understand them after all this room must have some form of Array placed by Ryuu.'

Ryuu nodded at his question as he spoke, ”Your Majesty both of us were in a competition along with a large number of people, what I know is that many of them have been stranded here along with us but I do not know how many.”

The Empress spoke with concern in her voice, ”We hope that our people will not have much problem with your kind.”

Ryuu grimaced inwardly as Zywia spoke for the first time, ”Your Majesty we are sorry to disappoint you but not all people who have been stranded with us will be good, some will try to plunder your beautiful kingdom and harm your people.”

The face of the Emperor scrunched in deep thought before he spoke, ”Then what about you two?”

Ryuu looked at him directly in the eye as he spoke, ”Your Majesty our wish is simply a way out of your world nothing more nothing less, and if while staying here we manage to do something good, well that is cherry on the top.”

Jorah looked at him directly into his eyes as she spoke, ”You must be a well versed in alchemy to detect his Majesty's condition even from 100 meters away.”