309 Halphine Part-2 (1/2)

Henry was having one of the worst day of his life, and they were in the rapid action team which had shortly arrived to help Duehiri repeal the invaders it would have gone smoothly if a snatcher would not be here along with a fleet of dozen of flying vessels, they had managed to destroy at least 4 of them comparing the odds that they were out-shipped by 3 to 1 but it was not enough they are slowly losing even after all their soldiers fighting out in the void of space once again they are being outnumbered by 10 to 1, he winced as he lost another of the flying vessel leaving only two operational, it was a disaster, he grinded his teeth as he let out a sigh as he murmured, ”Colonel should have mobilized more.”

”Sir, there is some movements with 'The Snatcher'.”

Henry looked towards the snatcher and cracked a grin at that as he send out message to all troops under his command, ”All stations our friends have taken the 'Prize', push harder we cannot lose face where our friends have succeeded.”, a cheer rose as displacement of space of was felt as he looked to the right as his blood ran cold.

Meanwhile on the planet of Duehiri war was raging on with full force under the leader ship of Lieutenant Colonel Chen Jun, they had reached a stalemate when all of a sudden a gigantic structure had appeared on the sky and the tide of battle had flipped completely the invaders were not only were highly moralized upon its arrival but were acting as if they had won causing Chen Jun frown, when he looked up at the sky he could see a giant battle was raging on as dazzling explosions could be easily seen every now and then all of a sudden explosions occurred near the weird gigantic structure as the thing lurched back moving away from the planet making him nervous only for him to broke into grin upon hearing the broadcast of Lieutenant Colonel Henry, when all of a sudden numerous portals opened as a huge enemy reinforcement appeared causing him to groan at that.

Elyrin looked at Ryuu as she spoke, ”Impressive you managed to take down such a complicated array.”

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Ryuu shook his head as she spoke, ”No madam I was incredibly lucky who ever created this command steale did not create any barrier at all to protect it as such it was easy for me to hijack it. Whoever created it is extremely arrogant though I was only able to take over the control system only others are well too complicated for my understanding, also I cannot guarantee if there are other method to regain control.”, he finished with an apologetic look on his face.

Elyrin waved off his concern as she spoke, ”There is no need to feel apologetic for that, you have done wonders now all…”

One of her subordinates suddenly appeared as she spoke in an urgent manner, ”Madam we got an emergency, multiple enemy reinforcement sighted our forces are on the verge of being wiped out.”

Elyrin closed her eyes before she let out a deep breath, ”Tell them to be fight in a defensive formation for a little bit more the reinforcement will be here soon to help us, now EVERYONE our job is not done as long as that scum Halphine is alive we have not won follow me and let us defeat the scum once and for all.”

Ryuu took a deep breath as they stood outside the bridge of 'the Snatcher', as they made their way here they found multiple bodies of their enemies lying on the ground being torn apart by the security system of 'The Snatcher', while they did not speak outwardly most felt grateful for the fact that Ryuu has wrestled control of the stone steale for the time being.