294 What we lost, what we gained Part-3 (1/2)
Yukari looked at Ryuu with tears in her eyes as she tried to move only to stumble but before she could fall on the ground Ryuu caught her, as the woman spoke with a smile at that, ”I knew I would see you again one day, I know that in my dreams spoke about it Keitaro I am so happy to see you again.”
Ryuu looked towards the woman who simply winked at him as Celestia spoke to her with her eyes widen slightly, ”Why did you do that?”
The woman simply smiled at her question as she spoke, ”Well Yukari was my loyal pawn for helping Keitaro as such I am simply granted one of her request after all I take good care of my pawns, but enough of that I have places to be people to use and mongrels to kill till then bye bye.”, in front of her eyes she simply faded from existence as the rest of her family finally arrived.
Maheswara spoke in anger at that, ”Where is that no good wh..”, his curse was stopped by a glare from Celestia who send a telepathic message to them, 'Move to the side I will explain everything but for now keep quite.'
The others were stunned at that but acquiesce her demand as they left Ryuu to console a crying Yukari.
Yukari bawled her eyes as Ryuu held her as she spoke, ”I am so sorry so sorry Keitaro I know I have no right to beg for your forgiveness, but please forgive me for what I did to you, please Keitaro forgive me.”
Ryuu simply patted her back as he consoled her as he spoke, ”Yukari, it was a long time ago and I forgave you a long time ago.”
Yukari shook her head as she spoke, ”No no you cannot forgive me not after what I have done, no you cannot I am…”
Ryuu: ”Shhh, enough Yukari it was a long ago and did you not help my family if it were not for you my family would be dead.”
Yukari: ”But still i….”, only for a finger to be placed on her lips as Ryuu spoke, ”Please Yukari I forgive you a long time ago and as for your punishment you have already repented when you helped my family but now it is time for you to forgive yourself how long will you keep on blaming yourself like this.”
Meanwhile with rest of the group, Celestia took them a bit away from the place as she spoke, ”That woman left before you arrived well it was more like she faded from existence in front of me.”
Maheswara: ”So what did she want?”
Celestia frowned at that as she spoke, ”Well apparently she helped Ryuu a lot during his previous reincarnation.”
Veena frowned at that as she spoke, ”Explain.”
Antariskh: ”Troublesome, and if we had charged blindly and called something bad about her it could have caused Ryuu to feel miffed about it.”
Celestia nodded at that as she spoke, ”So true even if he may not openly state it he would be miffed after all the woman had helped him greatly, after all she had a hand in not only helping him achieve such great feats but also was the reason his family survived and cleared their name.”
At that everyone frowned as Celestia kept on speaking, ”She has followed him to all his reincarnations and according to her helped him always.”
Shamiran tilted her head as she spoke, ”Really I do not know what to feel about her anymore but more importantly if she is so powerful why then we nor others know about her.”
Celestia shrugged as she spoke, ”I have no idea but according to her she had followed him through all his previous Ninety-nine thousand, Nine hundred and ninety-nine reincarnations before this present one.”
Sylvana let out a small whistle at that as she spoke, ”That is a lot of reincarnations, to think that woman followed him through all those.”
Antariskh bit her lips as she spoke, ”The woman is dangerous extremely so and she is unhinged.”
Celestia snorted at that as she spoke, ”Dangerous and unhinged is an understatement my dear, the last time someone who made me unease just by being near her was Ochylesse and from what I have heard from her apparently the woman was his Dao Companion.”
Maheswara shook his head as he was about to speak his attention was drawn to his second wife Nuwa who was looking towards the interaction between Ryuu and Yukari rather intently he sighed as he began speaking, ”Well we can storm our brains later on but for the time being let us spend some time together and support him he is going through a tough time after all.”
Celestia nodded at that before she had a dark look on her face, ”I hated how that bitch insinuated that we are using Ryuu as a replacement for Pangu I hate it.”, a feeling which all they shared even though a tiny part of them much to their horror agreed with that woman as Maheswara grimaced inwardly at that as he sighed, 'I really am the worst.
Meanwhile Ryuu let out quite a chuckle at that as he spoke, ”Really they must be quite the handful.”
Yukari gave a slow nod at that as she spoke, ”They were but at the same time both of them grew up to be nice and humble person.”
Ryuu had a small smile on his face as he spoke, ”It all thanks to you and Beatrix, I do not know what I would do repay the debt to you.”
Yukari quickly held his hands as she spoke, ”NO please do not say those words, I was simply repenting for my sins so please do not say those things Keitaro, not to mention after the fiasco with that Scum I lost the ability to have children but Yosuke and Sabrina filled my life with happiness, those two are like little angels you know.”