290 I am Keitaro Inazuma Part-2 (1/2)

Keitaro did not know how long he had been trapped there a day, a week, a month he did not know after a while his senses of time had dulled a hard a door opened as a footsteps echoed in the otherwise empty room devoid of anything living except Keitaro.

It was a bad day for Viktor, he once again got scolded for not breaking a pansy doctor fast enough how he is a worthless cause and what not it boiled his blood when his talent n torture was downplayed he will get that pansy nerd sign the contract or I will kill him.

He marched to cell room where a beaten and bloodied Keitaro was hanging by a chain, he took a couple of naked wires whose end he tied to Keitaro's hand and ankle before he spoke with a crooked smile, ”Wakey wakey sleeping princess”, with that he flipped the switch causing Keitaro to spasm and scream in pain as current flowed through his body.

A few seconds later he stopped the flow of current as he spoke, ”Now are you going to sign or not.”

A raspy voice came to Viktor's ears, ”Never….”, he sighed as he looked down as before he once again flipped the switch, half an hour later an unconscious Keitaro hung from the ceiling as his torture was foaming and frothing from his mouth, he let out an angry snarl as grabbed a knife as he started heating it to red hot a few minutes later Keitaro once again became conscious when he felt a terrible pain on his leg as he looked down he saw the man who was torturing him for the last few days digging through his left leg with a red hot knife while whistling a tune, it hurt him a lot he did not scream he will not give the person in front of him the joy of hearing him scream after he knew what they are trying to make him sign.

Keitaro the moment he had learnt about the contents of the paper he knew he was done for, whether he signed it or not he will die after all the paper was actually a confession letter of sorts detailing how he planned and created the virus spread it across the globe and now is giving out the cure so that he can make a killing from it, if he signed it he knew he would be killed and he would escape from the pain, but what about his wife and children they will get in the cross fire and then what would happen to his beloved wife and children no no he dare not to think about it.

Meanwhile Beatrix Inazuma nee Schumacher was no longer the loving kind and caring wife she had nowadays portrayed herself to be, it had been an hour since she had received all those proof from Yukari she was angry scratch that never in his life had she been infuriated as much as today and her subordinates could feel why she was nicknamed as 'Hela', the Queen of Hell in Norse Mythology.

A few minutes ago one of her subordinates had been captured trying to contact and send her and her children's location to outside party and unfortunately he underestimated the security of that place, Agrad had 10 island all around the world and Beatrix had been continuously on move in order to protect her children during her pregnancy, and now they caught one of their own as a traitor and she hated traitors.

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'She lit her cigar as she smoked before she spoke, ”2 years for 2 years I have paid nurtured your growth do you know why John, because I knew you were a traitor.”, the smile on her face made his blood ran cold.

”I know you your send by the Imp from the WellHeart industries to spy on me and supply them with plans and design stolen from Asgard which I had allowed you to do under my trusted people's watchful eyes, yes yes all those failures your owner tried to when recreating my products were not because of bad engineers or scientists, my family business had survived for centuries do you thing an young upstart can blind side me, but enough of that the real reason I had you dragged to me was, who were you sending the location of my family as well as the defense plan of the Island, John?”